Maryland, USATech7 months ago

Join the Nicktoons Speedrunning Discord Server here -

Maryland, USATech1 year ago

Brawl Minus version 5.0 has been released: Here are the changes to 1P/2P modes:

Maryland, USATech1 year ago

With the announcement of 5.0 releasing, I figured this leaderboard should be tidied up for the occasion.

I have included 1st/2nd/3rd place trophies and a logo that matches the theme (best I could do). Instead of having one character variable run through the entire leaderboard, I took the time to create multiple and apply them to the categories that include static character selection. Difficulties that are not Easy are now set to misc (due to no runs, could change in the future). Added All Events, no clue why it wasn't a thing before. I will add the new characters to the variables once 5.0 is released.

Hopefully 5.0 encourages previous runners to come back to this game as well as new runners that come in from the hype for this brand new version.

fantasyDinosaur likes this
Maryland, USATech2 years ago

For those who are unaware or don't bother to check the CE leaderboard, we have a stickied forum post that includes a request form to submit possible new categories to be added as category extensions with a format we implemented nearly 2 years ago now:

Recently, there has been an absurd amount of generic 'new category idea' threads being made on this leaderboard's forum page constantly to which the mod team typically has to manually lock. No new categories will be considered for the main leaderboard. If you wish to extensively talk about a potential new category, please join our discord server, your ideas will get much more traction there than on either forum page. Any 'new category idea' type posts on here will be instantly locked, please do not waste your time or the mod team's time by creating these threads.

RossGames, SuperGamer64 and 44 others like this
Maryland, USATech2 years ago

The Misc. section of this leaderboard has been reorganized to portray main categories and subcategories rather than having each individual value by themselves which created a really long list.

A recent update to made subcategories include a drop-down list if there are more than 3 subcategories to any particular main category, so for Cog Buildings and DA Offices make sure to click on the drop-down if you're wanting to view runs other than 1-Story Buildings or DA Office A's.

Additionally, a Sellbot Field Office category has been made. Enjoy the new run!

CharlixTT likes this
Maryland, USATech2 years ago

Some people may be unaware, but if you're surprised the IGT is very similar to RTA, that's because it is. Jaaay and I have addressed the concerns in the official discord about loads counting towards the final time when it should not. This issue does not allow fair competition and we hope the devs have seen our messages and will consider this for the week 1 patch or another patch soon, mods of that server agree that loads need to be not counted. Expect this fix to happen eventually if not soon.

BladingLife and flowtheci like this
Maryland, USATech2 years ago

Join the Nicktoons Speedrunning Discord Server here -

Maryland, USATech2 years ago

SpeedGaming will be holding a Subspace Emissary Any% Easy side tournament throughout the event's duration from November 5th - November 14th. This tournament will be held online.

Requirements: • Dolphin 5.0 Emulator (Stable version) [Gentlemen's Agreement allowed if both players wish to race on original hardware] • account connected to account • Access to streaming software/must stream POV to • Attend to matches in the SpeedGaming Live! 2021 discord server: (pinned in the #ssbb_sse channel is helpful information such as guides and a beginner tutorial for those interested in participating)

Register for the tournament here: Scroll down the page for main rules. Registration closes November 1st.

Edit: Tournament has concluded. 1st - Tech 2nd - MKCocoon 3rd - ObedG45 4th - swc19 5th - Dobiwan / halqery 7th - DiegolazoR4 / JustCallMeGio

Maryland, USATech2 years ago

After a couple discussions within the discord server over the last few years, the Brawl speedrunning community have come across a temporary test for emulation on this leaderboard. It will be permanent if enough interest is shown throughout set periods of time.

On July 30, 2021, a new emulator subcategory for Subspace Emissary (Any% EMU) will be created. This subcategory will be reassessed after 2 months on September 30, 2021, for a possible 3 month extension up to the end of 2021 if new runner activity (not just runs) meets the criteria that will be set by the Brawl speedrunning community.

*Edit 9/30/21: Although there have only been a few runs submitted, there has been some activity of interest from runners to learn the game through EMU and submit to the subcategory. Because of this, as well as the tournament that SpeedGaming will host this November, the Subspace Emissary Any% EMU subcategory will remain and another reevaluation will take place first thing in 2022.

If this new emulator subcategory succeeds by the start of 2022, it will be permanent and other subcategories (NG+ EMU, 100% EMU, EMU subcategories for other gamemodes) will be created if not already from a possible demand. We hope this temporary (and optimistically permanent) addition for more accessibility on this leaderboard encourages people to run Brawl.

*Edit 1/1/22: It has been decided that Emulation will be allowed permanently, as there is a slow yet increasing amount of emulator runs being submitted. If emulator for any other real-time category begins to have demand and runs, they will also obtain EMU subcategories. Categories that use In-game time allow EMU runs and will not have a separate place on the leaderboards.

UntarLaManteca, DiRamz and 3 others like this
Maryland, USATech3 years ago

Since recent updates that made Shadow Towers into a joke, I am unsure with what to do with these categories and future submissions. There have been in-game leaderboards for the bosses specifically and now the Shadow Tower is just the bosses. A full Shadow Tower run seems to be the only relevant run for this leaderboard now, making the other categories stuck with legacy runs. I am waiting for future updates to offer new reasonable categories, if you have any ideas that current updates offer please let me know.

Maryland, USATech4 years ago

A Category Extensions leaderboard was created. Here is a list of what will be moved over/removed from this leaderboard:

Subspace Emissary - Low%, Cutscene%, Jumpless. NG+ to be moved back as a main category next to Any% and 100%, Subspace RTA to be removed entirely, The Great Maze RTA to be moved to Level Leaderboard. Classic/All-Star/Boss Battles - All Difficultes and All Characters. Break The Targets - Level (x) All Characters.

If you want to discuss more on possible creations of future extensions, please discuss in our discord server or on the CE leaderboard:

Maryland, USATech4 years ago

With the recent community-decided change of format to the SMOCE leaderboard, we will be approaching the SMOCE leaderboard with a new manner of category moderation.

You will notice there is a "category" called Pending, this is where newly verified categories will be placed before either meeting or failing to meet certain criteria within a reasonable time frame while giving as much exposure as possible. Runners are allowed to submit their own runs to these categories under the Pending tab. 3 runs/runners = move from Pending.

We will ONLY be adding possible new categories that are submitted through this form here: It is not guaranteed that your category will be verified, please refrain from submitting ideas that do not make sense, similar route to an already existing category on the leaderboard, etc. Verification will mostly be decided on other runners' input of the category (unless some show interest and do complete runs) before the decision is finalized amongst the CE mods.

We prefer Category Idea/Request threads to maintain discussion on the topic, if we see any small talk/irrelevant chatter within these threads or a single user constantly creating threads within quick succession, we will contact you directly. Please refrain from clogging people's notifications up by doing this, if you wish to extensively discuss about a category, please join our discord server.

George_in_Gorge, ROBEATS and 40 others like this
Maryland, USATech4 years ago

The mods and I have come to a conclusion. We have decided to archive all current PBs of those who had submitted runs to 14, 11, and 10 Captures. The board is now divided into two categories: 9 Captures - As of creating this post, this is the TRUE minimum captures required in order to beat the game. 13 Captures - The most accessible/speedrunner friendly. (1P, no 1.0 tricks)

The archived runs and leaderboard can be found here: Submission form:

If you wish to talk about this change, I HIGHLY recommend you to direct yourself to our discord server, we have a text channel dedicated to leaderboard discussion, this is better than posting "but why...?" type comments on this forum page, it does not clutter other peoples notifications.

natgoesfast, Dry_Yoshi and 15 others like this
Maryland, USATech4 years ago

Over the last 8 months, we have been communicating with Guinness World Records officials on holding a special speedrun event category on this leaderboard. As of today, the event has officially started: (deadline released soon ™️)

PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE DOING ATTEMPTS AND SUBMITTING, THEY ARE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS THAT ALSO LEAD TO THE GWR LANDING PAGE RULES, OTHERWISE GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS OR THE SPEEDRUN.COM LEADERBOARD MODS WILL NOT VERIFY AND ACCEPT YOUR RUN (HAND-CAM IS OPTIONAL). You must complete the Mushroom Kingdom boss rematches and collect their multi-moons as fast as possible in a single segment. The runner who holds the world record during the end of the event MUST submit their run with proof to Guinness World Records into order to receive a special Guinness World Records trophy on their profile and get mentioned in their annual gaming records book. There has also been a #gwr chat made in the discord server if you wish to join and post your times there. Questions on the ruleset and such can also be asked and answered in this thread. GLHF.

KilleDragon, Shadow64 and 9 others like this
Maryland, USATech4 years ago

For the last couple of months we've seen a large amount of users (sometimes the same few) influx this forum with "category ideas" threads which eventually generate memes, small talk, and other likes of unneeded posts. Unless you KNOW the idea will not generate negativity or meaningless comments and the above, do not post it, otherwise we have no choice but to lock or delete the thread. I recommend doing a run of whatever your idea is before you post so it could be a possible confirmation whether or not its worth to bring up (or just post your idea(s) in the discord server to prevent notifications being clogged for multiple users, I look at the #category-extensions chat often, I know what is gaining traction and what isn't to determine if the idea has potential as a category amongst general interest and other runners). Please do not revive old threads unless you have a good reason to/responding with new information to the given idea. If it follows the above paragraph or previously had general interest from numerous players we have no issues with that. The majority of these that are revived are meme ideas that users then proceed to shitpost in which is not the place for a forum.

vvv READ BELOW vvv

KilleDragon, Otterstone_Gamer and 11 others like this
Maryland, USATech4 years ago

Many runners in the discord server have stated that they are all in on the idea of holding a Classic Tournament done in a competitive format. Before we can continue with shaping the ruleset and deciding whether we wish to see this on GSA (if they have room on their schedule) or host it ourselves, who else would be interested in such a tournament? More info can be found and discussed in the discord server:

DBcade, blipblo and 2 others like this
Maryland, USATech4 years ago

Baby Trucker One Cycle: Stage 03 Level 01 Fast Cycle 1: Stage 03 Level 01 Fast Cycle 2: Stage 07 Level 01 Fast Cycle:

Maryland, USATech4 years ago

Is there a discord server? If so, I would love to join and share my strats with others. I intend to make another thread for a fast cycles showcase.

Individual Levels leaderboard should be implemented. Some of these levels can get really competitive while racing against the in-game timer. Speaking of, I think an in-game timer as the secondary timing method should be added, as there is one in game, but not mandatory.

The Kill all enemies category is moreso a challenge, not a speedrun. The no deaths rule seems pretty off putting. I get that its an arbitrary 100%, but since this game has no true 100% that would make the player go out of their way i.e. obtaining collectibles or other means of game completion, I don't believe the category should exist, but, not my call obviously.

Maryland, USATech4 years ago

Certain categories have been removed from SMOCE due to extreme inactivity, not having a sensible goal, or both. They will be archived on this spreadsheet from now on instead: There will be no submission form for new additional runs past the archive date to this spreadsheet, it will not be tracked.

The categories removed from SMOCE were: Assist Mode Jumpless Koopa Freerunning RTA - Invisible Hat Festival% Star% - 70 Moon & 120 Moon Partial Game RTAs Softlock% All Post Game Bosses All Peach Moons

grnts, TrenttheN642 and 7 others like this
Maryland, USATech5 years ago

Join the Yoshi's Crafted World Speedrunning Discord Server!

DoubleDubbel, TuckerStudios and 2 others like this
About Tech
Nintendo & Indie Speedrunner. Former site contributor. Trusted moderator for multiple speedrun communities.
7 years ago
Games run
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Last run 7 months ago
Last run 1 year ago
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 4 years ago
Blue Fire
Blue Fire
Last run 11 months ago
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last run 6 years ago
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
Last run 7 months ago
Mario Tennis Aces
Mario Tennis Aces
Last run 5 years ago
Games moderated
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Last action 15 days ago
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last action 17 days ago
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last action 2 months ago
Mario Tennis Aces
Mario Tennis Aces
Last action 1 month ago
Yoshi's Crafted World
Yoshi's Crafted World
Last action 1 day ago
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Last action 4 months ago
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Category Extensions
Last action 2 months ago