NEVERDOORS2 years ago

wow, awesome time taylor. seriously cool

EDIT: wow, thanks for the gold!

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

from da FAQ:

What does NG+ mean / How do you warp to somewhere else in the castle by falling out of bounds? NewGame+ categories involve use of a glitch called Respawn Bug Abuse to reach areas of the castle early on a new file by storing the respawn point of the last level you entered on a different file beforehand. In its simplest form, this involves entering a level on a completed file, such as Bowser in the Sky or Lethal Lava Land, and then exiting to menu. Once you start a new file, you can simply exit to castle and then void out (by clipping out of bounds next to the JRB portait, for example) OR die by taking enough damage (spam P+V) to be taken to the entrance of the level you had exited from previously.

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

just found out about autoclickers. you guys hear about this? im now allowing these to be used in all categories , cuz if AHK is allowed might as well even out the playing field in my imo.

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

ok tru

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

would it be possible to make an AHK script or something that adds the functionality to the game of spamming mouse1 every frame when mouse2 is held? i dont know how computers work if that he;lps. someone please do this

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

how i kill heem fast

im scrolling my little heart out on my unlocked mouse wheel with the AHK script but im still somehow doing significantly unomptimal DPS. for example my 1:32 arrives to the BitS pipe faster than Nuggetive's 1:28 and yet I lose ~5 seconds by the time the fight is over just by DPS alone.

whats the deal here. does nug have a more unlocked mwheel than me? since we're all gonna cheat, should we somehow add an autoclicker instead of binding a script like this to make it even? do i need to drop dosh on a better mouse for this prestiguioes (not gonna right auto correct that one i dont care) wr? hit me back

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

fixed, although i dont believe even the guy who made this game has tested the mac or linux builds so they very well may function differently or not at all

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

well, i guess that's solved! nice work. locked

Yashichi likes this
NEVERDOORS3 years ago

is this allowed? new glitch? mods?

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

mario has a gun in this game. do you think in this game he does other cool things, like smoke weed?

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

we could have two main categories for every dumbass RTA idea that comes up, with and without RBA. or we could blanket ban NG+ RBA for all main categories, and make an 'individual level' category for each RTA category that does allow NG+ RBA. i prefer the later, as it would look cleaner and also make use of the IL categories on here. in fact, im going to do that, because i can, and someone can change it if they violently disagree. gonna try and move all the time over without fucking up. iwhs me luck hit me back\

edit: just kidding. i was just jokinh. what im actually going to do is make the NG+ categoriez under the Misc. tab. just learned about this! sorry guys,. im a new mod

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

greetings, all. im starting this thread to stir discussion regarding recent developments in the Super Mario 64 FPS meta.

Lets start with the easy stuff first: as brought to my attention in the "how do you beat this game fast" thread by user 'gamestabled', there is a bug involving your respawn location after voiding, that can be abused to access areas of the game earlier than intended on a new save file. the obvious question is, since this involves some amount of setup beforehand, how should this kind of Respawn Bug Abuse (henceforth referred to in this post as 'RBA') be treated in terms of leaderboard submissions?

For example, the theoretical way that gamestabled mentioned to RBA into Bowser in the Sky currently requires a semi-completed file that has access to that area already, so any runs done with that respawn location would clearly fall under 'New Game+' (a category I have added to the leaderboards).

However, the case is not always so simple, as with the current accepted BIG PIANTA RTA route. here, the RBA setup DOES NOT actually involve any semi completed file, since you can wall crawl and access the Lethal Lava Land respawn point without collecting any stars or saving at all. So is this NG+ as well, or no? Should the setup be included in timing the run? if you did the 'MARIO GUN UPSTAIRS EARLY AETHER JUMP (PAUSELESS) [JRB SECRET WORLD] --KEY 2 SKIP + EARLY AR--' trick, and theoretically were able to skip the 50 star door and access the BitS respawn point without saving, would that still be NG+?

let me know how you think these category splits should be handled. hit me back. also, if anyone has just two quarters they could mail to me, that would be great i would super appreciate it, im just short of being able to do a full load of laundry and i need your help. my home address is 1000 Colonial Farm Road, McLean, VA 22101 if you wanna mail them really quick id really appreciate it.

NEVERDOORS3 years ago

lowkey your run with old route was amazing. will not be forgotten when i make super mario 64 agent gun fps world record history video

JackieNewguy likes this
NEVERDOORS3 years ago

hey guys. just wondering. is there a way tp beat this game fast with a small amount of stars (0, 1, etc) or do you need 70. hit me back

8 years ago
2 months ago
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64 FPS
Super Mario 64 FPS
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Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
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Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
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Super Mario 64 FPS
Super Mario 64 FPS
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Super Mario 64 FPS
Super Mario 64 FPS
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