thread: Splatoon 3
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

This isn't a bad suggestion - we've been wanting to work on this for a while but due to other things we haven't gotten around to it

(Although you could've phrased it a lot better - no we are not allowing segmented full game runs any time soon)

KingJ0444 likes this
thread: Splatoon 3
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

This is kinda already known but the problem is that while yes it's possible you'll just trigger the key unlock anyways because you're on the key box.

thread: Splatoon 3
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

I've gone ahead and lowered it down a setting (so that the verified phone number requirement is removed) but do note that if there is a surge in spam/hacked accounts we'll likely raise it again.

As for the email requirement, we're not removing it (we actually can't even if we wanted to due to being a community server) but we do still want some anti-spam measures in place. (It's not exactly hard to verify your e-mail)

thread: Splatoon 3
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

What are you asking?

thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

I love how the bug disappeared and then reappeared over the course of like 24 hours

I love src and their questionable handling of this /s

thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

To be fair I haven't been on src in the past 2-3 days for unrelated reasons: here's a timeline of my experience:

  • See non-followed games in Latest Runs, post here.
  • See it seems to be resolved, world is fine again.
  • Isn't on src for 2-3 days.
  • Come back to src and sees that the non-followed games thing is back, except that it's on the top now. Assume it's a one time thing and do other stuff.
  • Check Latest Runs again and realize "oh this is really actually back", and post here.
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

Gonna bump this because I already complained about a similar type of issue earlier in this thread and it's (somehow) gotten worse

Why do I have games which I am not following on the top of the Latest Runs page.

There really shouldn't be a reason as to why this is happening

  • The games which I am following do meet the criteria to hit the 40 runs mark
  • Even if it hypothetically didn't, it would make the most sense to put those runs on the bottom of the Latest Runs tab (which is what it was doing before... even if it shouldn't have been doing so) (this is the common sense way of handling this - people are more likely to click and access what they're already following in the first place)
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

[quote={Camcorder}]{The new algorithm makes an effort to show as many recent runs from games you follow, then fills in a bit from other games if necessary. It may show more runs overall, which might be why you're noticing the change.}[/quote]

In general, the algorithm (and to an extent the settings as well) basically make no practical sense. - Sometimes I'll get 4 runs across 2 games I don't follow, sometimes I'll get 3 runs across 2 games I don't follow, sometimes I'll get 2 runs across 2 games I don't follow, and sometimes I'll get 2 runs across a single game I don't follow... and so on (I've even had instances where it pulled two runs from a month ago)

If you look at the settings on my profile (see: ) it suggests that I should be seeing 40 runs in the latest runs page from my followed games which were done in the past 30 days. Yet, this isn't what's happening:

  • I am only seeing 30 runs total from this group (this is despite me following enough games which definitely have enough activity to cross the 40 run threshold)
  • Even if you include the runs from games I am not following, I'm still only getting around 32-34 runs (depending on what the "algorithmic RNG" pulls)
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

I'm not saying they're not supposed to show - I'm saying they're showing under conditions where they previously did not show for me

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike1 year ago

Was it intentional by chance to also include runs from games you are not following, even if the other categories have enough runs to fit the settings setup on your profile?

(No, I did not have games which I was not following in my Latest Runs page before the new design was pushed)

thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike2 years ago

Let's take a look at's two other biggest websites: - ad infested with questionable layout with subscriptions (biggest site they run) - ad infested with questionable layout (no subscriptions though) (third biggest site they run - src is second)

(Yes, I'm aware their two smallest sites don't have ads, no I don't care).

Do I see src improving? The answer to that question can be derived from their two other biggest websites...

thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike2 years ago

(Note: This is not a thread to bash on Elo or anyone involved with Elo or src personally, I do not personally condone such behavior) (Note 2: No, I am not using the support hub for this, that feels like a void to use)

Context: So for anyone who is not aware, prior to May of 2021, there was a volunteer program in place. This volunteer program, along other things, basically were the site moderators of src. This was sunset in May 2021 due to them hiring two paid site mods at the time, and not wanting to create "uneven compensation of site support".

The reason I choose to bring this up is simple - there is a very visible lack of moderation currently present in certain areas of src - especially with regards to forum moderation.

There has been many instances where the following is present on the forums, yet is not taken care of for an extreme period of time, despite the repeatedness of such actions:

  • Supporting an anti-vaccine stance
  • Spamming about some dumb shit while also using misinformation to justify said dumb shit
  • Spam creating accounts about other dumb shit (just see above) ...and more that would be utterly pointless to delve into.

The idea is this: If the volunteer program returned in some capacity, it would allow for more/better/quicker moderation (which would solve the majority of the issues mentioned above), it could allow for other moderation as well (depending on what Elo allowed), and would also allow site staff to focus on stuff involving more "direct" or "internal" site issues. (imo it would also give the site more "visible staff" if you will, but I digress)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Amaz and 8 others like this
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike2 years ago

Yeah basically the last time it really got massively modified was June 23rd, it appears to have been edited once on June 25th to change the minimum age from 16 to 13 but otherwise yeah June 23rd was the last real modification.

Edit: adding this in so people can see the whole edit history that has been logged currently:

Ivory, Quivico, and 1 like this
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike3 years ago

Just going to say...

Everyone has a right to be pissed off about the ads, elo, the questionable stuff they've done lately, as well as be worried about the potential future of the site, and so on.

The only way a point is going to be drawn and they actually may give a (remote) crap about the issue is if you don't act like a complete dick to people who are saying "use an adblocker", that goes to both ends (such as the original poster).

There are valid ways to express your distaste with everything (as I did in page 2), however if the same person that's pushing it the hardest is also the biggest dick about a mitigation that (technically but not really) solves the issue, that doesn't exactly help at all.

Should you need an adblocker to be able to competently use the site? Absolutely not. Is making it so a private feedback form is the only true way to give feedback very bad? Absolutely. Do any of these things justify being a complete dick to everyone trying to offer mitigations to the issue? Absolutely not.

JacoboTheChocobo, Shiinyu and 11 others like this
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike3 years ago

Honestly, the issue I have with the ads is not directly the practice of having ads, but rather the implementations of many things/factors:

  • People who originally donated have to deal with ads
  • There is no way currently to remove ads (even via a paying method)
  • They lied about the roll-out stuff to an extreme degree (said it would be rolled out over several days, literally the majority have ads within 5 hours, that's just misleading, no other way to describe it)
  • The UI with the ads is absolutely terrible (even if they're blocked, the UI is still shifted to the left unless you use the CSS profile)
  • They somewhat hid the change behind one sentence in the announcement that if you aren't reading carefully you could somewhat easily miss
  • The ads themselves are incredibly intrusive, autoplay audio in most cases (which I hate to no end) and if I end up taking a screenshot and don't modify it in 90% of cases I would end up leaking my physical location
  • Should I mention ELO Engage claims they respect user privacy yet also track users based on specific things... seems morally fine to me /s

Also, have they even updated their Privacy Policy either? If they're using ELO Engage now then their privacy policy isn't even updated... which seems really questionable to me in many ways.

On good news though, a full mod has already suggested to them to re-add donations to remove ads, and it's possible the ads on current donors stuff could be a bug/issue... we'll have to see...

(Not gonna leave the site over this, but this has me very concerned on the future of src, for example: backing up leaderboards costing money)

discranola, Valmerix and 10 others like this
thread: Splatoon 2
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike3 years ago

I would suggest reading the following section in the IL rules, as this would answer your question:

  • Full video proof is REQUIRED for all untied 1st place runs.
  • Tied 1st place runs can be verified by a clip uploaded directly from your Switch to Twitter. (the clip must at least include the last 25 IGT seconds of the run).
  • All other runs may be verified with a screenshot.
Pear likes this
thread: Splatoon
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike3 years ago

read the rules, a timer is not required (we manually retime), you will not get a virus from downloading livesplit from it's official source.

thread: Cruis'n USA
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike3 years ago

I won't get much into it but the TLDR is the following:

  • Garrett (CatchUp2RNGMoney) got upset at the Crusi'n World mods for not using his discord link.
  • Garrett decided to remove all his times, and leave the discord.
  • Garrett came back on several accounts, each time, he progressively got more hostile toward everyone.
  • Eventually, the decision was made that he would be banned from the discord for 3 months and 1 day.
  • He deleted his src account.
GMP and mulvi747 like this
thread: Splatoon
Illinois, USAMasterOfMike3 years ago

Seeing as you're in the European region (I assume...?) European Spanish is the fastest language for you.

About MasterOfMike
4 years ago
15 days ago
Games run
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Mobile
Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2
Last run 3 years ago
Last run 3 years ago
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Last run 3 years ago
Splatoon Category Extensions
Splatoon Category Extensions
Last run 3 years ago
Cruis'n USA
Cruis'n USA
Last run 3 years ago
Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3
Last run 1 year ago
Splatoon 3 Category Extensions
Games moderated
Last action 1 month ago
Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3
Last action 3 months ago
Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2
Last action 3 months ago
Cruis'n USA
Cruis'n USA
Last action 1 month ago
Splatoon 3: Side Order
Splatoon 3: Side Order
Last action 3 months ago
Splatoon 3 Category Extensions
Splatoon 3 Category Extensions
Last action 1 year ago
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Mobile
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Mobile
Last action 6 months ago
Splatoon Category Extensions
Splatoon Category Extensions
Last action 2 years ago