New York, USABarackOBusiness2 years ago

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, ding ding

New York, USABarackOBusiness2 years ago

Back to being #1 US, as it was destined to be.

6ixCoins, Xiaoqi and 2 others like this
New York, USABarackOBusiness2 years ago

Perhaps an effectively delivered communication would be sufficiently greater of a concept as opposed to the current state of requests for being included in the moderation team? As it is greatly evident that they are becoming significantly problematic. I find myself incapable of coming to terms with how allowing the forums of this game to undergo a transformation into an unusable and unimportant outlet of collective meming is efficient for maintaining and sustaining the ecosystem by which this game operates.

Valmerix likes this
New York, USABarackOBusiness2 years ago

Getting over Bennett's Foddy

MrBoogyBam likes this
New York, USABarackOBusiness4 years ago

"Mathematicians are not mathematic" - some dood, probably one of the voices in my head, i dont really know

About BarackOBusiness
4 years ago
12 days ago
Games run
Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy