Apostle_King and wan_wan墓土单人零翼作弊:视频加速
9 months ago

Baudshaw, I have to tell you something. Golden Wasteland Flapless the first place Apostle_king and the second place wan_wan are the same person, and their video uses acceleration and other cheating methods. I used a series of methods to test and finally proved to be accelerated, with 1.2 times speed in some places and 1.3 times speed in some places. If you don't believe me, I have a video to prove it.

The amount of misinformation you are trying to spread is egregious. If there was acceleration, it would have been easily noticed. After all, you can track how many times the candle icon “bounces” per minute, which is 28. If it had been sped up, it would bounce more. Also, you should not use your poor form as an excuse to accuse others of cheating. And finally, your pfp is ridiculous, at least choose a better Genshin ship.