How about a new run category?
1 year ago

New run category: "Easy%, No orb, no glitch with a spread on a mutoid (when with immunes press into it)." Pros:

  • now you won't need a ton of restarts to get the orb to the end and to randomize the spread on the mutoid.
  • at the level with tanks it will be really hot without an orb.
  • game will get new players and increased interest among old players on a clean page of records. Minuses:
  • run time of course will be longer.

This is not an absolute category, not a category instead of the main one. But such runs will definitely have their fans, especially those who are tired of doing 1000 restarts per day)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Nebraska, USA

Seems interesting but to be honest the restarting in Easy% isn't that bad, once you gain more skill it becomes easier to consistently bring the orb all the way to Mutoid man. As far as gaining interest? This is already one of the most active communities of any SNES game around.

40wattrange and tetsuoooo like this

It's not just Orb. Bring it to the mutoid each time, in the hope that later you will get a spread - it is half of problem). And you need not just one spread, you need two spreads and immunity, or three spreads, and at the same time to be on your half of the screen. This is an unthinkable amount of randomness that should happen in one run. In the category that I propose, there will be no dependence on the spread and each run will be interesting)

Nebraska, USA

You just shift dependence onto the lobber drop instead of the spreader. This game by nature is very random.

you're right, people will do 1000 restarts to get 10 rocket launchers and blades in the rooms, and 5 lobbers on the mutoid)

Texas, USA

My opinion is always the same on new categories; prove that you and other people actually want to run the category. Do runs of it, get others to run it.

I'm always open for new categories but only if other community members are going to run them. It's a community leader board, not a personal leader board.

Personally, I don't see anyone being that interested in a category like this.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
brisulph likes this
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2 years ago