100-Man Finale event and server shutdowns
100-Man Finale event and server shutdowns
Posted 1 month ago by

If you haven't already heard, the servers supporting Mario Maker 1 and other 3DS/Wii U games will be shutting down on Monday, April 8th. To send the 100-man category out with a bang, we're doing a small event in the discord where we've been counting down each day with a different difficulty level. Saturday is the catch-up day for any category, so even if you haven't played yet, you can still join in. We'll also be having an event on Sunday with the 100-man Easy category.

Regarding the future of the 100-man categories, the server shutdown effectively ends the way most of us have played the categories. If you have ideas on how to continue the categories post shutdown, please feel free to reach out.

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100-Man Finale event and server shutdowns

If you haven't already heard, the servers supporting Mario Maker 1 and other 3DS/Wii U games will be shutting down on Monday, April 8th. To send the 100-man category out with a bang, we're doing a small event in the discord where we've been counting down each day with a different difficulty level. S

1 month ago