Doom Official Ports
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

As of Today,pretty much every official port of Doom 1 has been submitted. I know some others have commented about how the list in main series is getting a little ridiculous. Rest assured the last possible games to be added now are Saturn, DOOM II for Game Boy Advance and Doom 3 OG Xbox.. I don't have much thoughts on running them.. Being the least routed games thus far, perhaps someone else in the future could submit for it if they have the runs ready. Doom 3 Original Xbox could just be added to the Doom 3 board for the masochist that decides to run it.

There has been a lot of discussion as to why the ports were all added... because its DOOM?! regardless of how crap it runs... how fast can it go? In some cases, levels (of course different layouts in many cases) are quicker.

Out Of Bounds discoveries in the console versions have added new ways of speedrunning, and I look forward to all the future console runners finding more tricks and better optimization. A lot of things are still being found after working with each version for only so little time.

Sum of Best for 23 levels with Out of Bounds and Cheats is 10:21 (GBA) (More casual/Practice OOB, but a good run to optimize also) My best 23 Levels with No cheats, OOB is 14:45 (GBA) Sum of Best No cheats,OOB is 13:10

My quick run down after playing nearly all of them. My favorite to run was GBA, I used it for average splits.

GBA: Controls amazing, Looks bad - 23 Levels SNES: People in 1995 were questioning it too - 23+ Levels 32X: Solid frames, wonky controls - 16 levels. JAG: HD GRAPHACS, lack luster controls - 23 Levels 3DO: Full screen is not fun, Tiny mouse size Doom controls meh - 23 Levels Xbox Arcade/BFG: Love it... but No SR50. Basically a slow PC version.

Yet to play is PS1: Doom 1 & Doom 2 levels, beyond the others in many aspects (Length of full game run obviously). Out of bounds yet to be tested, but considering it worked on the same map set across all consoles, the Devs may have missed it again... We'll see soon enough :)

Thank you to the Doom mods and all the Doomers for putting up with the port madness.. :D

EDIT: Forgot Sega Saturn because so did you.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Arkansas, USA

PrBoom+ and GZDoom are my two must-have portals. If you need the best speedrunning source ports for Doom. The bulk of advanced source ports are not like GZDoom. I wrote my college review on it download my essaydune summaries online.

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