Updated 2 years ago by

Heya there so you want to submit a run for TDSS but you've no idea on what to do and where to start well I'm here to help!

Chapter 1: Starting out First of all your going to need a good understanding on how TDS works so I'd recommend practicing a mode until you get it just right. What maps are good to practice on? well Harbor is a great map for fallen mode you might not get a WR but its a great starting place, Winter bridges is great practice for molten and easy mode can be any map you'd like.

Chapter 2: Recording the run If you are on PC/Mac you should try and use whatever works best for your system, I'd really recommend using OBS because its pretty easy to use. (Here is a helpful video on how to record with OBS:)now if your on mobile like I said before try and use whatever works best for your system.

Chapter 3: Uploading the run So you made it, you've got the run recorded and your ready to submit your run well hold your horses first you'll need to upload it to Twitch/Youtube I'm only going to be going over Youtube since I've got a better understanding of that so go https://www.youtube.com and click the arrow in the corner and upload your video file now you can make the title/description everything you'd like same with the thumbnail now you'll need to make it public and boom you've uploaded your run to Youtube.

Chapter 4: Submitting the run to TDSS Now come back to the speedrun.com and click on the map you made a run for (duh) then click Submit run. Category is the mode so if you played on fallen you must select fallen, now you'll need fill out the Player 1, Player 2 ect if you did it solo then in Player 1 put your Speedrun.com name (Make sure you always put YOUR speedrun.com name in Player 1 since Player 1 will/should always be you) if you played with other people you'll need to add there names Player 2 Player 3 ect ect (You CAN put there roblox names however if they have a speedrun.com account we'd rather you use that instead), the Level is the map you played on, next you'll need to put in the time from the triumph screen which is the screen with the time at the end of the round this is important if you get this wrong you'll run will be ignored also Time and in-game NEED TO BE THE SAME they are both need to be the triumph screen time so many people get this wrong and its becoming annoying, Player Amount is how many players you had with you, Platform is what device you played TDS on while recording (Emulators are banned!), this is also VERY important make sure you put the link to your video in Video link and that's it you don't need to put a description but you can if you'd like now click submit and your all done congratulations!

Chapter 5: Waiting/conclusion Runs can take up to 3 weeks to be looked at if your run hasn't been look at after 3 weeks please contact us in the discord server about it (Discord server link: https://discord.gg/V9wjjvkMxp ) and that's it you've officially submitted a run for TDSS now if you need more help or just don't understand join the discord and ask for some help we're always happy to help!

Chapter 6: Follow the rules don't be like this https://twitter.com/TDSSMODS/status/1495204312741412866

-Teh_crazy (This took me a 2 hours so hopefully you'll enjoy this anyway have a nice day and get running!)

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New Fallen & Molten: Leaderboard Update

Hi TDSS Community,

You may have noticed that your Molten/Fallen speedrun has been either orphaned or deleted. This change is due to recent updates in the Molten/Fallen mode, where players now receive significantly less money and must eliminate all spawned enemies to progress to the next wave withou

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