Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz5 years ago

This post will describe all KNOWN differences between various versions of the game, based on the perspective of the US/EU PSP version since most runs currently are designed/tested/done on this version, and the emulator version strives to achieve parity to it.

Positive changes are listed with +, negative - and neutral •

• Vic takes 1/2-1/3 damage from almost all sources (Good dying less, bad for death warps)

  • When an NPC dies it cancels your lock on, meaning you constantly have to re-aim in order to switch targets after someone dies.

  • NPCs on the ground are untargetable, so if one gets knocked over you cannot aim at them

  • Analogue sensitivity is increased, making small movements harder and reaching the maximum input faster

• Yes and No are swapped in menus

  • Pager is faster due to Japanese text

• The downtown Mac 9 Rampage was moved North of it's position on EU/NA

  • Weapons are correctly respawned in "Burning Bridges"

• Uses updated/different SCMs (If you don't know what this means don't worry about it)

  • Snitch Hitch Dupe is possible only on this version (that we know of)

  • Got Protection dupe doesn't crash if no Save n' Quit between it and Cleaning House Dupe

• Assassins in "Soldier" do not damage you. Instead set the car on fire and get in it before it explodes to death warp.

  • Dupe Snitch Hitch to skip Zero to Hero

  • Save n' Quit after Truck Stop, instead of after Cholo Victory and Hose the Hoes

Note: Because Emulator is trying to be the same as Real Hardware, and Emulator is not an official release, anything proven only to work on Emulator and not Real Hardware is not allowed.

  • Load times are faster (unless your PC loads slower than a console from 2004)

  • Frame rate is locked to a stable 30 (again; unless PC bad)

  • More Stable after duping, meaning less Save n' Quits between dupes

  • Need to reverse in the Hovercraft before you can accelerate, most notably in "White Lies" (Emulator bug?)
  • Lots of stuff! (Allan please add details) however none of it is allowed since Emu is trying to be real PSP and Emu is not an official version
  • Duping "The Colonel's Coke" has a higher chance of unusable Helicopter spawns. If not done (So "Kill Phil: Part 1" is done) you will not be in a good spot to setup om0 Rampage carry through for "Home's On The Range" so instead do "Unfriendly Competition" dupe after "Hostile Takeover" (like PSP runs pre-dating 2019).

The PS2 version was released after the PSP version, and features some changes and additional content. Click me for a map of all PS2 exclusive content

  • Load times are slower from disc (PS2/PS3)

  • Load times are slower from HDD??? (PS3)

  • Frame rate is worse (PS3 does a poor job of emulating PS2)

  • More Rampages, most notably the one on Prawn Island

  • More Vehicle spawns and purchase spots, most notably the PCJ in Vice Port and Skimmer south of Ocean Beach

• More Unique Stunt Jumps

  • Better Controls (Right Analogue Stick input, more shoulder buttons)
  • Planes instantly explode when crashed (like in GTA:SA)

• The downtown Mac 9 Rampage was moved North of it's position on PSP

• Probably uses updated/different SCMs (If you don't know what this means don't worry about it)

  • Changing language while a Pager is on screen skips it
  • Going Out of Bounds does not flip every vehicle

  • Repeating "Hose the Hoes" om0 4 times crashes (requires Save n' Quit)

  • Garages don't fail to store vehicles

• Assassins in "Soldier" do not damage you. Instead set the car on fire and get in it before it explodes to death warp.

  • Do "Waking Up The Neighbours" once while om1 as per pre OOB strats (PSP runs pre-dating 2019). This will include not setting up om0 rampage before and during "Fear the Repo", and instead doing it before and during "When Funday Comes".

  • Save n' Quit during "Hose the Hoes" om0 passing

  • Consider using the Skimmer near Lance's House for travelling to missions on Prawn Island, eg: "Blitzkrieg" -> "The Mugshot Longshot" or "Say Cheese" -> "Kill Phil: Part 2". However I don't know of anyone timing these. Perhaps even a mission order change would be beneficial like "White Lies" -> Skimmer -> "Say Cheese" -> "Where It Hurts the Most" -> "Kill Phil: Part 2"

  • Use "Coach Tour" Submission and Prawn Island Rocket Launcher Rampage to duplicate "So Long Schlong" after "Domo Arigato Domestoboto"

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Just use PSP Emulator please <3

Theodoros curtiram isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this or if anyone will see it, but I thought I'd let you know about a bingo tool me and some others made for us to do balanced bingo speedrun races.

It's Minecraft Bingo DOT com and it's open source on github if you want to take a look at the source code. It was based off of OOT bingo, however I made a lot of generational/balancing changes to make it a lot better.

It was made some time ago and kept fairly up to date but I only just thought about posting it here.

Imaproshaman, ThatRaisinTho e 4 outros curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Hello and welcome to the GTA:SA speedrunning community forums! [section=Useful Links]

• [big]Discord[/big] server of the community where the general discussions happen, if you have any vague/general questions make sure to ask them here! • The sidebar has a lot of useful stuff like [big]Resources, Guides[/big] and [big]Streams[/big] • [big]Twitch team[/big] of the community where you can find GTA speedrunners • [big]Leaderboards extensions[/big] (such as Los Santos% and other meme categories) • [big]List of allowed Mods and fixes[/big]

[section=Frequently Asked Questions] [big]Where can I find the rules for the leaderboards?[/big] • On the Leaderboard page there is a "View rules button" at the top. Pressing it gives you an annoyingly small window with the rules for the category you're looking at.

[big]Why do runs have to be done with the frame limiter on?[/big] • The game behaves differently at different FPSes and in order to play the game "as intended" and as similarly to everyone else all runs should be done with the same in-game frame limiter as provided by Rockstar. For more information refer to this lengthy and old explanation by Oasiz [small][small]Anyone know of a better explanation I could link?[/small][/small]

[big]Why should runs start from a fresh game start?[/big] • The game's RPG elements (CJ's stats) do not reset correctly between saves. Therefore its possible to to gain an advantage (intentionally or not) before the run has begun which is commonly classified as "New Game+". To counter this the game should be completely closed and re-opened between attempts. Currently this rule is only enforced for high tier runs as restarting the game repeatedly is pretty annoying, and lower tier runs are less likely to abuse this

[big]I want to learn runs, how do?[/big] • A lot of people start from watching streams or runs from the leaderboard to gain a general overview/ask general questions in chat. Beyond that there is the Guides section, @Hugo_One has a Beginners Guide Video Playlist, @KZ_FREW has an in progress Speedrun Commentary Videos and @tduva [small] (maybe others sorry if I don't credit you) [/small] has done a lot of in depth work on the SpeedDemosArchive Wiki. Unfortunately with such a large game a lot of these are out of date or not completely exhaustive in detail.

[big]What version of the game is best?[/big] • Almost all runners use the PC version of the game. There are several PC versions but the most commonly used and recommended is v1.01. The steam version(s) has some differences in technical details (some dupes work different/don't work) and other changes so you shouldn't use that. For help downgrading to v1.00 I recommend This video by Vadim M. After that you can use This dropbox folder to get the v1.01 EU (No-DVD) .exe and replace the v1.00 .exe in your game folder.

[big]I see a lot of people playing in 4:3, why?[/big] • People prefer 4:3 due to the lack of stretching the game does on HUD elements compared to 16:9, also using widescreen mode decreases vertical FoV. Check out this thread by @Jolzi for visual comparisons.

[small]If anyone has any amendments they would like to make to this post please let me know[/small]

shaggyzera, Phatzo e 44 outros curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

As noted by many of you this forum has really taken a dive recently. In the past few months the majority of threads have just been new accounts asking very basic questions or posting very basic/low effort content, and then a few people helping/tell them wrong thread, and then a few people sarcastically respond, and then a few people throw insults at each other and then sometimes the post gets 3 pages long of bullshit.

After some discussions on the community discord last night we came to the conclusion that in order for any meaningful moderation to be done we need some actual written rules. I'm currently reluctant to moderate anything due to the lack of clear agreed upon rules and basically not wanting to start policing/censoring the community based on my judgement alone.

So this thread is hopefully a discussion on what the rules should be. Obviously threads that are just the word "fuck" or spam bots should just be insta removed (and have been) but it's more what is the go to action (if any) for stuff like:

Necroing 7 month old shitty threads

Creating a new thread asking what mods are allowed 4 posts down from the stickied thread explaining what mods are allowed

Asking how to use 16 by 9 aspect ratios 1 year after a thread explaining everything to do with aspect ratios

Not knowing how to read Speedrun.com correctly

Category suggestions (thankfully we don't get LS% ones any more)

OP deleting their account and or all their posts so the thread makes no sense (a lot of these)

Locking threads after the answer was given

Discussions on questionable runs

Nice but ultimately pointless threads

Very basic and not SA related speedrunning questions

(I decided to stop there) And of course all the pointless bickering and vile thrown at each other. Hell should we do something about low effort meme posts/responses even, and try to keep the forum purely to the point and professional because of how it represents the community/stuff is documented forever. I really have no idea on how extreme to take this.

I tried looking at other leaderboard forums for any examples/guidance but I couldn't find any written rules anywhere (even the main Speedrun.com forums). What I did see were forums full of people asking the same noob questions despite having a thread on it already and everyone seemingly being fine with it? Oh and also the moderation tools are really limited (You can lock or sticky threads, and delete individual posts. That's it) so try to keep this in mind when suggesting rules.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd go

(oh yeah and we're discussing adding new mod(s) but that's a whole other mess)

(oh yeah #2 I'm going to actually moderate this thread to keep it on topic shocked emoji)

nsx, Retro_CJ e 5 outros curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Just as a heads up, the new theme (which now makes SA match a bit better with 3 and VC leaderboards) was made by Hoxxy and added by me.

If anyone has any complains/improvements then go ahead here I guess. Since we didn't really have any theme before (other than the favicon) I went ahead and added it, but I did keep the previous colour settings backuped up just in case.

k thx bye

SpeedyFolf, Saciok e 12 outros curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

Hey guys, the rule "Any times that wish to be considered WR must be done from a fresh game start" was just added to every non-IL category that didn't already have strict restarting rules (Currently Any%, All Missions, All Tags / Snaps / Horseshoes / Oysters / Collectibles / USJ). This means: YOU MUST SHOW THE GAME LOADING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE VIDEO.

The reason a game restart is needed is because of various carryover effects between new games while the game is still running, such as XP on stats, loaded vehicles etc.

We decided not to enforce the rule on every runner, since the amount of time possible to gain is minor and restarting the game on every attempt when your new to the game/category just trying to finish your first run would be brutal. However at the high end of the leaderboard it could be used for an unfair advantage by those looking to get a prestigious WR. As such we used the wording "Any time that wishes to be considered WR...". This means that anyone who has a hope of getting a WR (say top 5 runners or whatever) would be encouraged to follow the rule to avoid disappointment.

Anyone found to be intentionally abusing the carryover effects would probably be rejected anyway, but the rule makes it so that there can be no question on whether they did or not. (by enforcing showing first load in video)

BackmadeJay, draethes e 11 outros curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

So the new patch just got released, and I've been pretty vocal about it on twitter about how terrible it is for me. EFLC stutters like crazy on Patch 3, but thankfully it's easily downgradeable (which fixed my problems).

I heard others were having more luck though? I was just wondering what changes people noticed.

I thought I would ask on here since we've all played the game recently and don't speculate like "Oh yeah it runs way better for me! I haven't played it for 8 years though!"

Havi curtiram isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz8 years ago

Post here if there is a mission you would like added to the level leaderboard and I'll add it, I'm slowly going through them all but if anyone would like one added because they did a run then let me know.

FallBackITA27 e MPRF12345 curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

Twitch is offering $200 to the first person who can beat each wing of Blackrock. Anyone without a full card collection on NA shouldn't really bother though, and we all know how Blizzard's servers do when an expansion comes out.


Just thought I'd post here anyway, in case anyone is interested.

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

For those out of the loop, the MTA server has been down for awhile due to issues at the hosting company's server cluster. To put it simply, they lost everything. I haven't done a backup of the server since early 2014 and I'm not sure if anyone else with access to the files has done one since.

Regardless, use of the server was pretty low anyway, so I'm taking this opportunity to reboot it.

I have some ideas with what to do with it, like "rebranding it" as the "#GTA" server not the "Joshimuz" server, and maybe changing/having more game modes and such, but really I'm just wondering what other people thought we should do with it.

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

Alright so today I remembered that I made a super quick and dirty save file manager at the beginning of last year, however I never finished it because I never got around to making a save file for every mission in the game, however since RunnerHAWORTH was awesome enough to provide us with them I decided to go back and finish it.

The code, to put it simply, is shit. However, the task at hand is pretty simple (just moving files around) so I didn't bother remaking it and just put all of the save files into the correct place.

Anyway, you guys might find it useful, all it does is remove the need to move around save files manually and keeps everything organized. It's not tested at all and probably will crash when you guys try it, but we'll see.

Here it is

I only just got the Any% save files working, and apparently the backup thing already works, hopefully it's self explanatory but basically you pick which save file you want to replace with the dialog at the very top, and just choose what save file to set in the Any% tab. The backup stuff just copies your current 8 save files and puts them into another folder.

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

I timed it to be about 5-10 seconds faster than Omega's gold split with worse playing by me

MuXu96 e RunnerHAWORTH curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

Just over 3 hours into the run you get to a mission called "The Great Mexican Train Robbery", during this mission you have to ride a horse with Abraham Reyes for about 5 minutes, then you arrive at Chuparosa. The game then gives you a throwing knife and you're told to stealth kill a load of guards to steal a train. The problem is this has a tendency to crash the game.




It seems like something to do with the throwing knife in this mission, and the crash only seems to happen during runs and it never happens once the Xbox has been restarted and the mission resumed, making it hard to test anything.

Some theories as ways around this were suggested when it happened to me last on stream, including:

Don't use throwing knives (maybe speedrun-no-stealth-strats are faster anyway)(On possible way maybe to climb upto the train station roof, kill the guy guarding the machine gun and use that gun to kill everyone else)

Save and Restart the console before starting the mission (to not waste time on the 5 minute horse ride)

Don't throw the Knives so fast (seems to be why I didn't crash on the 2nd throw in one of the examples)

¤insert more ideas here¤

Any other ideas or findings here would be nice, keep in mind that we're not 100% sure what triggers the glitch, as it only happens in full game runs and not short practice segments, so testing glitches which just stop the game crashing are harder to test than strats that just avoid using the knives altogether (if using the knife is even the issue)

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

So, for the past week runs have been building up for GTA V in the submission queue and from what I can tell no one is verifying/denying them. We're up to 7 submissions now.

I don't really feel I know enough about GTA V to verify or deny a run, and apparently no other mod is doing it either, so I think we should try to decide on a new mod for GTA on this site, obviously one focusing on GTA V.

My first thought would be Dekap, but again I don't really know anything so I thought I'd ask what you guys think. Keep in mind anyone we choose will have the ability to deny and verify other GTA games too

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

Plz pac

I was thinking about hosting all the splits and the guide etc on here to get people over here. People keep asking me to upload the splits now

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz9 years ago

Similar to what's happening now in Vice City, if a way was found to dupe missions in SA, almost all of the game could be skipped. This is because the mission counter in SA works differently than 3 and VC. When a mission is completed a counter is added to, increasing it's value by one. When the counter is a certain number the next mission in that chain of missions is set to a certain one. Therefore, if it was possible to dupe Tagging Up Turf (Sweet's first mission in Los Santos) 9 times, the next mission in the chain would be The Green Sabre, the last mission of Los Santos (Note that Los Santos Sweet and Return to Los Santos Sweet are different counters)

I apparently did this glitch in SA once http://www.twitch.tv/m/607529 however I've watched the video through a few times (I downloaded it too) and I can't figure out what caused it. It seems that Grove 4 Life crashes upon completion of a goal (one territory) and so does Tagging Up Turf (Lighnat0r tried it with hacks). This is probably because mission specific memory is stored globally and not per script as in 3/VC. It may be the case that finding certain missions that don't crash upon completion is the key to the glitch, once a way to dupe missions is found.

Anyway, before anything like that needs to be worried about, a consistent way to start missions twice needs to be found. Maybe gang territories could be duped too, however I'm not sure if that would even help with the "total territories held" counter. Obviously rampages are out of the question, seeing that SA doesn't have them.

Bastant2 e Lighnat0r curtiu isso
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz10 years ago

I wanted something for people to click in my twitch bio, but all there really is for this site is the SpeedRunRecords thing at the top and that's not quite big enough, can someone with some artistic skill make something for us? :(

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz10 years ago

For GTA:SA we have a massive thread on SDA, and sometimes big import things get a bit lost there (45+ pages), so I'm thinking we just have this thread for minor strat and route talking.

Anyway, first thing to add to the thread is a small thing I found in Concrete Jungle while learning strats. Sorry if this is already known but the only Knowledge base doesn't mention it and I've seen no one do it.

When you get to the house, run straight in and kill the three guys who normally spawn in the main room, this skips the cutscene about the shotgun guy and the window, and you can kill the guy on the stairs on your way out.

Sobre Joshimuz
10 years ago
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