Snes categories
2 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

Can snes get a category other then very hard?

New South Wales, Australia

Sorry for the late reply, but we don't really have much interest in creating categories for the easier difficulties on the classic MK's at this time.

However, once you learn about how these games work you will understand why that is.

  1. Lower difficulties create more RNG at the early stages of the game, making things more random.
  2. The game scales difficulty up as you progress through the game anyway, meaning you will be playing on the hardest difficulty regardless of what difficulty you chose by about half way through.

The hardest difficulty is actually the easiest and most efficient way to play the game as it means the AI will become more predictable and consistent allowing you to learn it better, counter it better and more consistently beat the game. You just need to take a little bit of time and learn how to beat it and you will find how out much easier this game is on the hardest difficulty.

Feel free to join the discord or ask here in the forums about the best strategies we use to beat the game. We are more than happy to help you.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
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