投稿日 1 month ago 投稿者:

If you've noticed, there are now 2 categories for Fatal Ending and Insanity Ending. What is it you may ask?

NCS stands for No Cutscene Skip // Old Version, and CS stands for Cutscene Skip // New Version

We would have created subcategories, but to put less problems on other runners and the entire mod team due to over a hundred orphaned runs that would be caused, we've created completely seperate categories.

Any runs submitted to NCS THAT HAVE CUTSCENE SKIPS will be moved over to CS from now on. Only reason we are to keep it unarchived is because you still have the option to not skip cutscenes by timing out your dialogue presses/going through a new account.

Thank you for your understanding, stay safe!

投稿日 3 months ago 投稿者:

I've merged the pool skip sub-category with the normal mode

投稿日 3 months ago 投稿者:
投稿日 4 months ago 投稿者:

tell your opinion about that below.

投稿日 5 months ago 投稿者:

from now on, follow the in-game timer (to activate it, go to speedrun options, then show timer). Old runs will not be affected since the in-game timer is faster.

Edit : the timer has been patched
