Pubblicato 20 days ago di

Hello everyone, my name is still Loading, I wanted to discuss something with all of you. So lately we have been having issue with some of the smaller, less played categories. This being the requirement of showing your world scale and all POVs. And usually when it comes to the less played categories it’s usually the newer players that are attempting them. So we the mod team have decided change the rule up a bit. If the category has 5 or less runs within it you are not required to show world scale, or all POVs for multiplayer. Now of course we still recommend you do if you can. We made this change to allow the newer runners to have chances to getting some world records and older speedrunners grind out other categories without the stress of following this rule. But we still need you to follow the other rules and not to abuse this privilege. Now of course if the category surpasses 5 runs the normal world scale rules will take affect once again. That being less than 25 runs, top 3 is required to show world scale and more than 25 runs top 5 is required to show world scale.

Hopefully you all enjoy this change and it gives everyone a chance to try new categories and hope to see you all trying them out. Lastly special thanks to speedy and the mod team for the promotion, I am now super mod for both main page and cat ext. And I hope to get everything back up and running and up to date for all the categories. Now I’m done ranting.

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Pubblicato 6 months ago di

We the mod team have made a decision that we believe is in the best interest of the entire community. In order to maintain integrity and fairness in competition, we are implementing a new requirement for top runs on our leaderboards.

For leaderboards with fewer than 25 runs, the top 3 runs will be required to display their world scale percentage either before or after a run. For leaderboards with over 25 runs, the requirement extends to the top 5 runs. Consequently, we are now requiring that all POVs be submitted for these top 3 and top 5 runs.

This measure is essential to ensure a level playing field and uphold the standards of our community. Players on platforms without world scale are exempt from this change.

Thank you for your understanding.

(This does not apply to runs that have already been submitted/posted)

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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

The new categories from the event are finally here! There are a lot of new categories, including new leaderboards for Rec Rally and Orientation. There's too many to list them all, so go check them out for yourselves!

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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

We are holding an event where you guys can come up with ideas for new categories for the Rec Room category extensions page!

If you don't know what the category extensions page is, it's a separate leaderboard for Rec Room that features some more gimmicky categories, like using only melee weapons, or playing in 2D comfort mode, or only playing with one hand.


The channel will only be available until -Friday, March 17th-. After that, the channel will be locked and archived, so get your suggestions in now! After the channel is archived, me and the rest of the mod team will pick the community's favorite ones and add them. React to your favorite posts with the ? emote.


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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

On July 6, 2022, an update was made to Rec Room that nerfed screen mode sword dashing and made it way slower. This has made old screen mode runs impossible to beat in almost every quest. The old screen mode category has now been marked as a miscellaneous category, and a new screen mode category has been created for new screen mode runs. You are not allowed to submit runs to the old screen mode category.

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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

We have added an S% category to Isle of the Lost Skulls. Have fun! Also Merry Christmas!

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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

A new highly requested featured has been added; Indicators for whether a run used walk mode or teleport have been put in place. We have the past submitted runs defaulted to teleport, but we'll be sorting through them and finding the walk ones. The important thing about this addition is that you can now filter runs by locomotion! Meaning you can set leaderboards to only show walk mode runs, or only show teleport mode runs. Screen mode runs will all obviously be walk mode. Mixed runs though however, meaning multiplayer runs using both walk and teleport, will be placed under the teleport indicator. In other words, a 4 player run where every player uses walk mode will be placed under walk, however if even one person uses teleport, it will be assigned to teleport.

If you have a past walk mode or see a walk mode run set to teleport, please let me or another moderator know.

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Pubblicato 1 year ago di

Playspace abuse is officially banned. Playspace abuse is the act of physically walking around in your playspace to move faster. Taking more than 3-4 steps total in a run will generally result in getting it DQ'd in any and all categories EXCEPT "True Any%". Keep in mind however, that playspace abuse is NOT the same as glitchwalking. Glitchwalking is the act of leaning and using the thumbsticks to turn to artificially move. Glitchwalking is still fully legal for runs. Physically jumping is also allowed.

We've decided to make this change to level the playing field between headsets, as it previously gave wireless headset users, as well as people with large playspaces, a massive unfair advantage.

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

Just heads up, any run including flying will be rejected. It is bannable and we do not want to be shown as supporting the use of it. We hope you all understand.

What defines a game-breaking bug?

As it sounds, it involves breaking the game. This can be done in a number of ways, but commonly many of them you have to initiate the glitch by being in a different room. For example Flying, Piercing and Walk-a-port. Typically if you can't perform the glitch in the room, it is not going to be allowed. However it is not limited to just this fact, if we see anything that looks game breaking, or is using external software it will not be allowed. Game breaking bugs are not allowed for a number of reasons, but a few to list include the fact that they will likely be patched, making old runs impossible-really hard to beat, and it is often against TOS and bannable. Please respect the moderators decisions, and if you have any questions feel free to DM a mod through our server on discord!


-The Moderation Team.

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Pubblicato 2 years ago di

We have created a official discord server for this site! Come join and talk about speedruns! Have any questions? Ask them in this server (faster then threads :) )

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New Rule Changes

Hello everyone, my name is still Loading, I wanted to discuss something with all of you. So lately we have been having issue with some of the smaller, less played categories. This being the requirement of showing your world scale and all POVs. And usually when it comes to the less played categories

20 days ago
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