New Game!
1 year ago

Hey! I've got a small speedrunning game that I've been working on and am wondering if anyone would be interested in trying it out. If you're interested you can find the game here:

Gaming_64, grnts, YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
Somerset, England

Is this game on the site? Since it's kinda dumb adverting it here otherwise. Also that you should of said in the Advertisement Thread

grnts, CyanWes 2 其他 喜欢这个

Oh, woops! I'll put it there instead, thanks for the advice. (I'm very new to this)

Gaming_64, grnts, YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dude, congrats on developing your own game, but as it was stated above, don't adverstise here please. And good luck making your game known :)

Gaming_64 YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个

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