Recommended Capture Card for Each Piece of Hardware
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I noticed the PSTV had nothing listed so I can share with my PSTV setup, the main 2 things needed are an HDMI capture card of some kind like a lot of the top listed options as well as an HDMI splitter that has HDCP pass-through. This is the exact splitter I purchased about 2 years ago and have this paired with my HDPVR2 capture card.


@2003041 So you're saying something that just has HDMI passthrough should work (like any capture card you'd use for the main systems)? Is the PSTV just HDMI-based? I never even really looked into the console.

Massachusetts, USA

Yes, it's an HDMI console that has HDCP built into it, so as long as you have something that allows HDCP pass-through you'll be set. Unlike the PS4 though, there is no option to just disable it, which is why you need that pass-through.

编辑者 作者 7 months ago

you could add the retroscaler2x (used with an hdmi card) as an option to capture anything composite/s-video/component.

its a retrotink knock off but it works quite well and costs less than 50€

here is a video i recorded of me first testing it (mostly pal consoles and composite cables)

you should also reformat the original post as the recent update broke it


is it only $50 on alibaba though? I can't seem to find it that cheap elsewhere


@2003041 so is it a similar case to what SioN was saying where you first use a HDCP -> HDMI cable and then just use an HDMI cap card? or am i reading your post wrong?

编辑者 作者 7 months ago

@SioN is there a guide somewhere as to how you can make a table of contents with new site formatting? Outside of that the post seems fine to me, but I have 0 idea where they documented how to use new formatting.

Edit: also just added your suggestion to the relevant parts, let me know if I messed anything up there. (might also re-format the initial post whenever I figure out how new formatting works as I've started to notice some overlap)

编辑者 作者 7 months ago
Massachusetts, USA

I'll be honest, I didn't realize they sold HDMI cables that have the HDCP pass-through, so if HDCP cables actually strip the HDCP then there would be another choice. The 2 options would then be;

  1. PSTV -> HDMI Cable with HDCP Pass-Through -> HDMI Capture Card
  2. PSTV -> Standard HDMI Cable -> HDMI Splitter with HDCP Pass-Through- > Standard HDMI Cable -> HDMI Capture Card

If these are the 2 options, then option 2 is the way I currently have it set up. As long as the HDCP gets stripped before the capture card, it should work. I honestly don't know how HDCP HDMI cables work though so I can't substantiate if option 1 works.

edit: One thing i never mentioned is PSTV has the ability to play Vita (Physical/Digital), PSP (Digital), and PS1 (Digital) games.

编辑者 作者 7 months ago

I'll add it in when I reformat the thread since it'll probably be better to do it that way


is it only $50 on alibaba though? I can't seem to find it that cheap elsewhere

i bought it from this link


meant to write aliexpress, but yea that's the one I linked I think


you linked a different listing which cost more

Okay to respond after 2 years? #PSP also has Composite and S-Video breakout cables. Here's the official Sony S-Video cable I bought for cheap from a Japanese merchant:

Nice life to use GV-USB2 for every console! I don't see any mentioning but GV-USB2 captures either Composite or S-Video with stereo audio and has options for NTSC, NTSC-J, NTSC-443 (Brazil?), 4 different kinds of PAL and SECAM. Captures every Composite and S-Video that exists, including 240p/288p. Works great with OBS.

I think most people know this but S-Video is way sharper than Composite. It's 2/3 the way to Component and RGB and, given streams being inherently compressed, I'd be surprised if you can tell the difference.

Easy to see the more clear and sharper text on the right and sharper merchant image. Small soldier icon also sharper. I zoomed down images 50% so 4x less pixels. Greater distinction at full-size.

Sizzyl 喜欢这个

so basically the GV-USB2 can be used to capture PSP footage as well (through S-Video)? lots of terms in there i'm not super farmiliar with in your post, but that's super neat, i definitely need to update this post to look nicer anyway, so I'll make sure to include that info if you end up confirming it.


Overall this thread is not really a good ressource to look into if you want to get any specific recommendation as OP has no idea about specific video capturing hardware.

Sizzyl 喜欢这个