Recommended Capture Card for Each Piece of Hardware
3 years ago

@Matse007 Your complains are completely valid. I will do my best to expand on products I have knowledge about and attempt to better explain when they should be used (so far all that exists is a link to the other pinned thread). However, this post was and is supposed to be a community consensus, and I was hoping that people (such as yourself and the others on this thread) would come by and drop knowledge on capture cards/methods not coved on this thread, or bring up good points about a certain method of capture / correct things that have been stated incorrectly. As to how this is better than a reddit post, I'd probably say that's its more accessible and easy to find than a reddit post, which often has limited info., and I'm hoping that over time this can be written in a way that should help everyone understand the different choices they have without having to pour in hours of research to make the best choice.

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta

IMO you can just create a google doc and link people to that where you find technical details about capturing devices. You made this thread without the knowledge and you quite honestly shouldn't have done that.

You dont start a project and then seek a project team. You start a project when you already have the project team.

och 3 andra gillar detta
Ontario, Canada

"In terms of capturing a real genesis, I have no clue=Sizzyl" GV-USB2 man.

You can also use it for the Gamecube, and the N64. It can also capture S-Video which is a much higher quality over composite. most retro consoles from snes and onwards do up to component/RGB naturally, where the snes jr is stuck to composite output unless you mod it. Since most snes cables will also have S-Video you are recommending people use a lower source just cause.

There is also no mention of a splitter for the retro consoles, so are you telling newer streamers to play with the usb latency from the game capture window?

Rad2x, Retrotink, OSSC are also good (yet can be pricey) if you don't have a crt to play on. Yeah your monitor or tv may add some to no latency. In that case the gvusb2 is not needed as you can go with a HDMI based capture device and also play your retro consoles on a newer tv.

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
och 3 andra gillar detta
Ontario, Canada

Also Cats gave you the link for the PS Vita Video output class plug in in their post here

och 2 andra gillar detta

@Matse007 fair, but I think it'd be nicer to have it on-site, although if this forum thing doesn't get lifted soon I might just have to. @Dyne_Nuitari thanks for your inputs, I'll add them when I can

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta
Ontario, Canada

I agree with @Mastse007. You should have done a lot more research before making a thread like this. You have overlooked a large part of how to capture retro consoles, updating it over time is nice but what if someone went a purchased a dazzle/gvusb and found out that without a splitter now they have a huge delay and have to afford additional equipment (either y splitters or a powered splitters which is a 5 - 50 dollar additional purchase).

This stream guide is kinda outdated at this point but the format of it is really nice . It gives the reader a look into what is all needed to have a complete set up and gives you various options.

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
och 2 andra gillar detta

That's a solid guide ngl, I'll try formatting this like that at some point (either when they let me or when I have a lot of free time)

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta

Well you kinda put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Considering that this is THE website for speedrunning and probably a ressource that a good amount of people are going to see this, especially as it is pinned and consider it as something official.

och 2 andra gillar detta


, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta
Ontario, Canada

May as well add this here for updating sake, the ps3/pstv needs a splitter to strip hdcp to be able to be captured. Normally the cheaper the splitter the better cause it is not manufactured to hdmi spec and it strips the hdcp by accident. Since this is hardware based it is not like the ps4 where you can just turn it off

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
och 3 andra gillar detta
United States

This may sound stupid, but would an ordinary hdmi in, usb out cable work for home consoles? This would be immediately helpful for my let's play series, and potentially for speedruns if I every decide to start speedrunning home console games.

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta

the post is unedible for now due to a post limit btw

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta
Ontario, Canada

[quote=Lillith_plays]This may sound stupid, but would an ordinary hdmi in, usb out cable work for home consoles? This would be immediately helpful for my let's play series, and potentially for speedruns if I every decide to start speedrunning home console games.[/quote]

Anything USB adds latency, you can record with it but you will have a delay off of the obs screen or whatever capture software your using, that is where the 1 in 2 out splitters or a external capture card with a passthrough is nice cause it adds next to 0 lag

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta

[quote]the post is unedible for now due to a post limit btw[/quote] damn :( i was really hungry though

och 3 andra gillar detta
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About PS4 recording, I already use Twitch to record my runs done in that console, but it's very frustrating sometimes when my connection is lost and I am obliged to just drop a long run.

This is why I'd like to know if there's any other way to record without getting a capture card (my main problem here would be the necessity of a PC to use the capture card).

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta

The only other option is the "share" option. Maybe if you softmod the ps4. Idk if there are even softmods for it and if they even have some recording functionality

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I see. The problem is the share option only records 60 minutes of gameplay, which is not sufficient to record the whole run. But thanks anyway.

, och YUMmy_Bacon5 gillar detta
California, USA


Merki retired from 2DS XL installation. He did have a couple of offerings last year, but no clue if there will be any in the future.

I also wanted to add the following people on Twitter for DS and 3DS capture needs:

DS Gonjona2

3DS 3DSCaptureZ Gonjona2 Delfinocustoms

3DSXL Gonjona2 Delfinocustoms RubyOtaku_

I do t k ow of anyone that does New 3DS or New 3DS XL. I know Loopy has been working on a N3DSXL capture card.

Gaming_64 och
gillar detta
California, USA

Also the DS lite can do TV out.

You can buy a kit here:

Gaming_64 och
gillar detta
United States

@lisarox One of the makers you mentioned, Delfinocustoms, has a New 3DS XL capture card listed on their website.

Gaming_64 och
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