How do you jump between coins (No Coins)
9 months ago

In most runs I've watched of the No Coins category there is this trick runners do where they jump in between rows of coins without collecting any. Is there a tutorial on how to do this, or maybe there's a special item I should be using?


This technique is actually relatively simple, as long as you find a landing point between two coins when jumping, slide down, and then jump again to complete this operation. This is called "single hop coin" in China

Guyuu likes this

I've been trying to do this for the past 10 minutes but still can't figure it out. Is there a video that details it more?


Sorry, due to domestic reasons, I can't upload videos to YouTube, can I log in to Bilibili? I can upload my videos for you to watch


Yeah, I know what that is. You can send me a video from there.