Bad+ and Good+ Maps
Bad+ and Good+ Maps
Updated 6 years ago by Plywood

These 28 maps show lines for running Bad+ (Any%) and Good+. I didn't include some of the areas (Motel, Town Center, Hospital 4th Floor, etc.) in part because I am lazy and didn't feel like drawing those. I'd recommend downloading the maps in case the link ever goes down. Maybe some day we can image host on SRDC and avoid that issue. Otherwise, just contact me if the images go down, I'll be happy to send them your way.

I added some notes and enemy placements to the maps, but if you want a more detailed look, watching a run will help you more. These should serve for general purpose and learning. Plus, you'll never need to pick up a map in the game! As long as you know where you are relative to the map, of course.

Credit to "ProtectionJoel" for posting the fan-made map of Nowhere to the Silent Hill Wiki.

P.S. I am unlikely to do 10¤ maps.

Edit: Map 16 incorrectly states you need to go to the furthest vending machine for the health drinks. You can go to either.

Edit 2: Map 22 shows the method of navigating this area without the Antique Shop Out of Bounds.

Edit 3: Regarding Midwich Elementary, this level has a lot of variations in movement. Some are safer, some are more risky. Depending on your own strategy (and how fast you want to go), you will like or not like these lines.

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