2 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

Does 100% require Concept? If so, where does it go in timeline order?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

no, because, by the title of the mission, its a concept, and not a real thing, timeline doesnt include post death, so no killhouse either

Nova Scotia, Canada

100% includes killhouse though?

United States

For 100% you have to do both killhouse and concept

SirDoughy and Asdasdhack like this
Nova Scotia, Canada

so where does concept go

Lower Saxony, Germany

100% does include Concept. 100% is every mission in the game. There's literally a split specifically when Concept was added lol

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

It was only added after this post was made as far as I know, and that still doesn't answer where in the timeline I play it.

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

You play it as last, after killhouse.

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