Am I cheating?
1 year ago

I have 2 buttons on my keyboard < and > that allow me to quickly move my head in those directions by about maybe 45 degrees. is using these allowed for speedruns? Or do i just need to flick my mouse quickly

United States

i dont see why you wouldnt just use your mouse???

United States

I also don't see how it wouldn't be allowed, especially since FPS Unlockers are allowed.

the reason I wouldnt just move my mouse is because this is a 45 degree SNAP. it wouldnt save that much time but being able to just snap my head in .1 seconds was smth I wanted to make sure was allowed before i did it

United States

youd be able to turn a lot faster with your mouse than with a button press

its a roblox feature, i dont know why it wouldnt be allowed if its a part of the game

Ok thank you for telling me. I think I can move a bit faster with the button (since its an instant snap thats atleast a bit faster then turning manually)

He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago


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