Video Editing
1 year ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

Submitted videos must be raw footage, so you can't edit your run. As for multiple POVs, It's better for everybody record on their own and upload it, then submit all links together. However normal categories such as Deposit Duo Random Seed only needs one POV, but something like Deposit Duo RS Genocide would be recommended to have multiple POVs to make it easier to prove it.

Connecticut, USA

I didn't mean that I would "edit" my run, more like splice my partner's POV into the video and combine his end screen since I cut mine short

Lower Saxony, Germany

That's still editing 💀

United States

What about submitting both raw footage and the edited video as separate videos?

Lower Saxony, Germany

That wouldn't work either. The Raw footage doesn't have what's needed and an edited video isn't allowed. A run must be recorded within 5 seconds (of in game timer) of spawning, and end with the time visible from endscreen. The run must be raw with 0 editing so submitting both raw and edited wouldn't be allowed. I'd recommend doing the run again and shoot for a better time than what you got to make it worth while.

Connecticut, USA

Alright, that's all I needed. you can close this forum now

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