How to Run Set Seed Basics (PC, 1.1.9)
How to Run Set Seed Basics (PC, 1.1.9)
Updated 3 months ago by KhameleonGaming

This guide covers basic settings and simple strategies for running set seed categories on PC with version 1.1.9. See footnotes for credit and error corrections. This guide does not cover in-depth tool use or planning strategies



Finding a seed (note this is a sample workflow and other approaches are valid):

Running the seed:

  • Good luck and have fun!

Shortcut: Check out seeds that a team of people has already vetted by joining the set-seed channel in Kulutues discord (

I'm slowly working my way through adding credit to tools, mods, layouts, and techniques, so please send me a message if I've referenced your material with how you'd like to be credited.

For any errors in information (eg what aspects are affected by seeds and what aren't) please let me know so I can correct it.

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Rule Update for May 1st

A few minor rule changes and clarifications from the previous rules, but important ones. And a newly approved mod, now available for speedrunning.

The rule changes will go into effect May 1st, and all runs submitted on or after that date will be verified accordingly.

1 month ago
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