New Leaderboard
New Leaderboard
Posted 1 year ago by

Ok! It took a bit and I wasn't sure if it'd get approved, but we were able to get a new leaderboard dedicated to the full game! The old leaderboard will now be dedicated to demo runs and nothing else.

We want to keep track of all the runs submitted until now, so we please ask you that you resubmit all your old runs to the new leaderboard. After a week has passed (or all submissions are moved over), we'll have the demos leaderboard to be just for demos.

You can find the old leaderboard here:

Sorry for the inconvenience! Looking forward to see more runs from you guys!

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Noise has arrived to the leaderboards

Noise has arrived to the leaderboards, alongside Swap Mode, both in normal game and CE. You can now submit runs as the gremlin! Go ham or go stupid! Whichever works! No additional rules are given to either categories, yet.

2 months ago
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