Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki Released!
Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki Released!
Posted 10 months ago by

Alright, folks! I had teased it some time before, but it is finally happening- The Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki is now live! This site will take the compendium's role as the go-to place for players of all levels to learn make funi pizza man go fast!

The Wiki is far from done at the moment. We've already ported all of the contents of the main document and the debug mode cheat sheet, but most of the contents of the level guide document are yet to be ported over. Thus, we will need your help to fill out the level pages.

  • We were unable to download all of the images within the document in a convenient fashion, and saving them individually is a bit of a process. More manpower would be appreciated.
  • The wiki can now host videos of up to 10MB, as well as youtube videos! This should make much easier to present clear demonstrations of all tricks. Let's finally upgrade from those GIFs!
  • This also presents a good opportunity to run a "relevancy check" on all of the contents of the level guide, as some at least some of it is bound to have become obsolete in the last few weeks.

The compendium will stay for some time while we move everything over, after which it will most likely be phased out. Make sure to join the discussion at the Pizza Tower speedrunning Discord server. Thank you all for being awesome!

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