"All Toppins" Individual Level Category!
"All Toppins" Individual Level Category!
Posted 1 year ago by

Somewhat important news!

We had originally created the Toppin Trackers spreadsheet as little more than an aid to optimize the route for full-game Any%. However, we've had a few people compete there regardless simply for the fun of it.

Because of this engagement, and the reasonable number of differences to Any% and 100%, we've made All Toppins a proper IL category on the leaderboards! We'll continue to update the Toppin Trackers spreadsheet as a nice visual aid, but we'll mostly take future submissions from the leaderboard from now on.

We'll keep the update form for now, and keep checking for submissions there but it'll be mostly phased out of use from now on.

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Noise has arrived to the leaderboards

Noise has arrived to the leaderboards, alongside Swap Mode, both in normal game and CE. You can now submit runs as the gremlin! Go ham or go stupid! Whichever works! No additional rules are given to either categories, yet.

2 months ago
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