Posted 7 months ago by

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2231450/view/3729602312222631144?l=english A new update for Pizza Tower is out! With this patch we have a number of changes to the rules:

  • Runs are now required to have the Speedrun Timer setting turned ON. As usual when making this sort of change, we will allow a grace period of a week or two before we start denying runs for it.
  • The leaderboard will continue to use Real Time for now. We may look into also including ingame time on the side now that it's been FIXED™.
  • With the new ingame inputs allowing for multiple inputs to the same button, the previous rule on this matter has been overhauled. Moving forward, using third-party software to configure macros is disallowed. Otherwise, anything binds that can be configured within the ingame settings is fair game.
  • Individual Level leaderboards have been created for the two new levels! The Halloween level will have some special rules, so do pay attention to that before you get grinding!
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Noise has arrived to the leaderboards

Noise has arrived to the leaderboards, alongside Swap Mode, both in normal game and CE. You can now submit runs as the gremlin! Go ham or go stupid! Whichever works! No additional rules are given to either categories, yet.

2 months ago
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