Recommended Capture Card for Each Piece of Hardware
3 years ago
United States

45$ these days it seems

darn, I paid 49

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

@Komrade simply putting it there as an option. The recommendation is the just use GV-USB2 though as is stated under the dazzle because it's known to be cheaper and better. Also added a note that it's known to drop frames.

@O.D.W. feelsbadman

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

i paid like 28 lol 20 for my dazzle

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

Added EvoCapture 3DS/DS cards to the list after a suggestion from @wartab Updated every HDMI converted with proper disclaimers after off-site feedback from @JuZockt_

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

If anyone else has suggestions, just send them here or HMU in dms.

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
United States

Might want to add the "el cheapo" for super-budget HDMI capture setups (though alongside a splitter). It's robust enough to handle speedrun recordings. Price probably ranges from $5 to $20.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

@Quivico good idea! you got a link to the particular model you used + a well-priced HDMI spliiter?

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
United States

@Sizzyl I can't really link to one link since the same card is sold by dozens of budget companies, but there are a few images to look out for. I used this splitter.

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

@cats that's a solid suggestion, I'll add it to the post @Quivico I'll add that w/ links to the HDMI section

Edit: it won't let me type while editing the post right now for some reason, I'll check in the morning

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

Ok it's straight up not letting me edit this post.

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

@cats apparently there was a silent update :p Guess I can't update this for a bit.

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

I know that you cant update this, but honestly, it is in some points misleading and it does not include a lot of important aspects of why capture device x is actually recommended. Also, the Elgato HD60s is not the most used device but rather the HD60 (the actual pcie capture card). Dropping frames also has rarely something to do with a capture card itself, even my cheapo 10€ capture device does not drop any frames, so recommending it based of that is not ok. Capture devices are a complex topic and as previous posters mentioned, you are missing a lot of devices and new speedrunners can be easily mislead by this thread and buy the wrong hardware. To come back to the HD60s, if the person just wants to capture HDMI and not output it on a low latency screen seperately, that person will deal with a lot latency on their preview, while if they just wanted to have the videofeed on their PC and play off it, the EL CHEAPO would have done the job for 10€ as well (not shipping included)

그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

@Matse007 In terms of missing some hardware: at the top of the thread I mention that people should send suggestions to me or in this thread (which they have) In terms of the HD60 vs 60S, you make a good point, I'll make sure to update that (when it lets me) In terms of latency, I haven't tested a lot of this hardware, simply been recommended by others + even if I did, I always use passthrough so I don't get that latency (or at least latency I notice) In terms of the complex topic, I honestly don't have much to say. I guess I could add a disclaimer other than 'capturing with a phone is always allowed and preferred', but I feel as though there should be a thread for people looking for capture cards to look through, since I had a very hard time finding the good capture cards on my own.

그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

Yeah, ressources are good to have. However it should be def. a community endeavour with people who know what they are talking about adding details and giving good advice. So many people recommend crappy hardware simply because they do not know better and it gets the job done without considering costs or perhaps other possible issues with the product.

Rather then recommending a capture card, perhaps it should be talked about ways of capturing a console and what to consider when capturing device x. For some platforms, yeah you can recommend specific solution as there are not that many alternatives on the market (3ds capture cards only have a few producers). However then, a good guide needs to be researched. I can go and google how to record a wii and find multiple products and reddit posts, recommending me capture devices, with barely to little information about the technical details. What does this thread do better compared to those reddit posts? In reality, sometimes the reddit

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함

posts are even more detailed and share more information about those products. So in retrospective, without having technical knowledge about the devices, I would share what video output you need to capture and perhaps the difficulty at max that the console brings with itself. Recommending with only half-knowledge is highly dangerous. As an IT technician, there is nothing worse than someone recommending software/hardware or even fixing something that only knows half of what he has to know. It leads to frustration and problems down the line. From technical issues, compability issues to even straight up wrong purpose.

What is composite? What is RGB? What is S-Video? What is SCART? When writing a guide at this scope, you really need to cover all bases.

And then retrotink and so on. All important products to cover as well.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
Ontario, Canada

I can't take a recommendation list seriously when it has a dazzle on it when the gv usb2 exists. Where are also the avermedia products? Suggesting people to grab x console to hdmi is not always the best option when there are capture cards out there that will capture other forms of video outputs. Want to capture a sega genesis, we recommend using the Wii virtual console, what if I want to capture my actual sega genesis?

그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

@Dyne_Nuitari this is simply a list of everything I could find with some form of reliability. I was haoping that for console I personally had no interest in (and therefore haven't researched) that others like yourself would come along and make suggestions, and that anything that seems off could be corrected by others. This isn't supposed to be the 'definitive list' to capture cards, it's suppoed to compile all suggestions made by the community (which I guess I failed to explain well at the top of the thread, and is something I will change with Matse's suggestions). Also I believe the section on the dazzle states it's worse in every aspect and more expensive than the gv. I appreciate that suggestion for the genesis and I will add it whenever I can. In terms of capturing a real genesis, I have no clue, I've never had a reason to figure out how.

, 그리고 YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함