1 month ago
Western Australia, Australia
They/Them, It/Its
1 month ago

I'm just wondering how to do Accelerated Forwards/Backwards Hopping on Xbox

Thanks for any help :]

Manitoba, Canada

It works the same as on PC, but you have to time your jump presses to be as soon after you hit the ground as possible since we don't have a scroll wheel. If you don't know how abh works, you start by jumping backwards or turning backwards in the air, crouch in the air and stay crouched throughout, and tap jump right as you hit the ground, then continue timing your jumps to build up more speed. I don't know how to start an afh from the ground on xbox, but if you already have some speed like in the chamber 10 flings, the only difference between for afh is that you need to hold backwards on the movement stick to and look forward, while crouching and timing your jumps right after you hit the ground. I also like to bind my jump and crouch buttons to the shoulder bumpers so I don't have to use my thumb for both of them on the buttons. Join the discord to get even more help.

Audio requirements

Starting today, runs that require video proof (top 25) and runs beyond that where video is the only form of proof, now require audio, as recording audio for only the game is now a native OBS feature.

3 months ago