Trying to remove LRT timing hides all runs
3 months ago

So, I inherited moderator-ship of Red Remover Player Pack 1, and for some reason they had the option to submit a load-removed time in addition to real time. This is meaningless for the game, as there's no load times generally? and there's no load time remover anyway. Regardless, even though no runs have anything filled in for load-removed time, attempting to remove this option in the moderator settings hides every run on the leaderboards, and I've only been able to fix it by re-enabling LRT timing. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Somerset, England

Try turning off "Real time without loads (LRT)", and change the Default timer to "Real time (RTA)"

when you leave only 1 timing option available, the default timer option disappears. I've tried setting default to RTA and then disabling LRT, and all the runs still disappear.