Visit count bug
2 months ago

This problem has been ongoing for over a month and now it's just ridiculous. When I follow the game, I expect it to be shown in the category "followed games". Although such games are shown, the visit count and the last visit date are stuck and even if I visit the page of that game, that visit won't count. Previously, I'd accept the fact the server needed to record such a visit to add to the visit count and to update last visit date, but recently it just doesn't update that all anymore. Because of that it can happen that even if I visit the game's page to submit the run, the last visit date won't be updated. That can lead to the weird scenarios where I have some runs submitted in one game days after the alleged "last visit". Before anyone claims anything, no, I didn't unfollow the game during that time and it remained followed during that entire time.


There is definitely something that updates it, but it's unclear what. I imagine it's not a bug and it just has weirdly specific requirements to update. I'm not losing any sleep over it personally, but I kinda wonder what the point of even having it there is if it's pretty much guaranteed to be woefully outdated.