What do you do aside from speedrunning?
2 years ago

Eugh, im scared of those green things outside

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United Kingdom


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Georgia, USA


, dan 1234 menyukai ini
European Union

Climbing (or more precisely, Bouldering) is really fun. I also got a new deck of bicycle playing cards so I've been learning a lot of fun card tricks and stuff (not the magic kind, but the kind where you just do fun looking stuff, like this: ).

Also since I live in a country using a Euro, it's fun to sometimes try to find some of the hundreds of different euro coin designs out there, I think I've got almost all of the non-commemorative designs now besides some coins which I'm missing from Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City and San Marino, so the small countries.

Also hitting the gym when I can and my job take up a good chunk of my time

, Merl_ dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Iowa, USA

@1 is back to the forums? Also new PFP?

Gaming_64, YUMmy_Bacon5, dan
menyukai ini
European Union

Not using the site for speedrunning purposes, but back to the forums yes.

Also new pfp for now, when I stop being lazy I'll photoshop the Mango Man onto the foreground and have the flag as the background, maybe.

dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini

Just be making money and going outside

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Caribbean Netherlands

Well, i haven't started speedrunning yet, but i really like to hear music, mostly rock (Rammstein, Korn, Metallica)

I also like to watch football (soccer) and play soccer games [mostly FIFA] , play Kirby games from GBA, reading manga and watch some anime.

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Iowa, USA

I hope you delete your account

CoKoNut, Gaming_64 dan 1 lainnya menyukai ini
Pennsylvania, USA

It’s a person!

dan Gaming_64 menyukai ini
Pennsylvania, USA

deleted user 💀

dan Gaming_64 menyukai ini

Since the post was empty for about a month, I will write about myself (although no one asks for this). In addition to speedrunning, I play musical instruments (saxophone, trumpet, piano, I graduated from music school), I am a multiple winner of international and national competitions. I also do analytical and applied chemistry, speak at Olympiads and conferences. Well, I'm also in the 10th grade in high school (I'm 17)

dan Gaming_64 menyukai ini

i'm an artist and i draw, also do 3d models if i'm in the mood to. other than drawing, i watch youtube videos. something like documentaries or something else

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He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

Language learning is my biggest hobby; I’m self-taught in Korean and Chinese, with lingering bits of knowledge in French, Thai, and Icelandic. This hobby has since evolved into an academic discipline, and I’m working towards a degree in linguistics. One of my biggest goals is to speak and learn these languages in their native countries.

Aside from that, I love music and listen to a ton of genres: witch house, chillstep, dark, you name it. I’m also looking to restart my writing and game dev hobbies during the coming NaNoWriMos this year; I specialize in horror, and I need to create these ideas before they eat me alive.

dan Pear menyukai ini
United States

@lay1onme That’s awesome. I’m hoping I’ll have the opportunity to study Icelandic at some point in the future.

dan lay1onme menyukai ini
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

@lay1onme Looks like I found my twin! I'm glad I found another person who likes to learn languages. I currently know English, Spanish, some Japanese, some French, and some ASL. I'm working towards other languages as well, but trying to maintain schoolwork, projects, and other things is making language learning a bit difficult for me at the moment. I love listening to music a lot too, especially rock or rap/hip-hop. I'm a writer and a game dev as well, I've made a lot of small projects and one big project that took me around half a year to complete on my own. You're awesome! I'm hoping I might be able to earn a linguistics degree someday. I hope you can earn your linguistics degree and your game/project turns out well!

I'm also realizing I probably should've posted in this thread earlier Welp better late than never

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 dan 1 lainnya menyukai ini

languages sure are interesting. (other than english, it sucks)

, CyanWes, dan lay1onme menyukai ini
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

@Pear Icelandic is a fantastic language, and its history is fascinating; the language we refer to as Old Norse was actually Old Icelandic, and the language has changed little since.

I used Icelandic Online when I studied, and I love this site because it doesn’t use any language as a middle ground; images, audio clips, and videos teach you words through context. It works so well that the day after, I was able to recognize Icelandic numbers in an unrelated song.

I sure hope you have the opportunity to study it too!

@CyanWes Finally, my long lost twin! We share a love of rock music and language learning. Languages remind me of speedrunning in a sense; they both focus on self-improvement through repetition and community. I think Japanese has one of the coolest writing systems, and ASL just seems fun to “speak”! At the moment, I’m in a similar boat with trying to balance school and languages; These general education classes suck. Eventually, it will open up, as a Bachelor’s in linguistics requires 2nd-level proficiency in two languages to graduate.

You’ll 100% get your degree in linguistics because you’re awesome too! Also, feel free to throw me some of your projects, I’d love to see the things you create.

Oh, and thank you for the good luck!

@SioN Oh yeah, English sucks. I swear it every other language is more intuitive than it.

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