What is your favorite movie and why?
2 months ago

Mine has to be Alien (1979) i think it sets up the tone really well and builds up tension for the end and compared to current horror movies today it holds up.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 months ago
Zanum, Gaming_64, et grnts aime ceci

i only really watch anime movies so possibly one of the gup movies (that involve the continuation school as they are finnish :3)

grnts et Gaming_64 aime ceci
North Carolina, USA

Either Hunt for the Wilderpeople or The Iron Giant.

grnts aiment ceci
Wisconsin, USA

the truman show and forrest gump

Modifié par l'auteur 2 months ago
Gaming_64 aiment ceci
Indiana, USA

1408 is a good one.

grnts et Gaming_64 aime ceci

I love that one speedrunning movie starring Brad Pitt and Robert De Niro.

Gaming_64 aiment ceci

I have some of them in my favorite list. But This one "The Life of PI" has taught me a lot of things. This one has shown how to survive someone in a danger situation.


Definitely RoboCop1987 and Terminator 2


Love this one Terminator 2.

Texas, USA

Spirited Away. :)


Back to the Future or Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Gaming_64 aiment ceci