Guide formatting has been ruined for months now
6 months ago

I haven't bothered creating a post about this for a long time, as it seemed like an obvious issue to me, and I thought it would be quickly resolved, but it's still not. Ever since some update a few months ago, some guides have been rendered hard to use or even completely incomprehensible.

As one would, I've used shift+enter for new lines in the same paragraph and enter for a new paragraph. This worked fine for years, but for a few months now, shift+enter new lines only show up in edit mode, and once published, they are ignored, turning into simple spaces, and no new line started. Using enter isn't a solution, as it leaves an extra empty line above. I posted an illustration of a guide detailing why this is a huge issue, the list of inputs and instructions is incomprehensible without the proper spacing.


Put two spaces at the end of each line. It's annoying and stupid, but it works. I have no idea why they chose to implement pure Markdown for this, or why pure Markdown is even like that in the first place.

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