Series, Marathons and Teams
9 months ago
United States

You can't even add marathons and teams to the site anymore, and with ELO wanting to move away from adding series moderators I don't see a point in having that displayed on a users profile. Space being taken up by useless statistics.

Edited by the author 9 months ago

This is sort of besides the point, but since you mentioned it... if you're having trouble keeping track how many different things you're a moderator for, you don't need additional features to help you with that, you simply need to be a mod for less things. It definitely would be helpful to show them for other reasons, but there is absolutely no reason to be a mod for so many different series that remembering which ones is an actual problem. For games I sort of get it, somebody has to do it if anyone is running it (although people really ought to step down when they clearly don't care anymore), but series moderation is really just a convenience thing, unless you're a Mario or a Zelda and have a new spinoff releasing every other week the series doesn't need a moderator, especially not one that can't even remember that they are a moderator.

Marathons have been completely phased out and were hardly used anyway. Doubt they have any plans to bring them back anytime soon since Oengus exists.

VyPr likes this

I was being generous when I said "hardly used". As far as I could tell literally nobody was using it anymore. Oengus is just objectively better.

Edited by the author 9 months ago