Tittok Filters
6 months ago

Anyone else think it would be interesting if we had tiktok filters speed runs?

On my tiktok I've got some sub-10 runs on them, and theres a very competitive one called "Minecraft Boat Game 2" where people are constantly battleing?

Zanum likes this
Iowa, USA

You can try to make a request but it’ll probably get rejected for being too short

Gaming_64, Zanum, and CyanWes like this
He/Him, They/Them
6 months ago

This is the stupidest idea I've heard all day

They're TIKTOK filters like they're not meant to be competitive at least not most of them

Gaming_64 and Zanum like this

I don't see why its that bad of an idea, I mean, they are competitive, and I'm only talking about the game ones


ngl I miss the days when we would just say "no" to something like this without even thinking about it.

Anyway, yeah, as Act_ said the Minecraft boat thing is too short, and I would imagine most Tiktok filter "games" are. The Game Request rules state:

The game should have a reasonable length such as 5 minutes or longer as a casual playthrough.

Also, I just found out this thing exists for the first time today and apparently it's already solved (in the sense that the fastest possible time has been determined and executed), so there might some issues with some other criteria in the game request rules, such as:

The game should show that a reasonable level of effort has been put into development from a functionality standpoint.

The gameplay should show some potential for optimization through speedrunning.

They do sometimes make exceptions to these rules, but personally I don't think there's a good case for a leaderboard when it'll very likely just become 800 people with tied world records in the very near future if competition continues.

Gaming_64 likes this