Speedrun.com: Updated Formatting Guidelines
1 year ago

I tested around with the formatting for creating a Resource (Later tested the things in Guides as well) and not a lot is really working, at least for me. When i use things like [centre] or [big] nothing seems to change. At least nothing changes in the preview, and when actually posting nothing changed as well. Maybe its on me but I just dont understand it atm.

Somerset, England

At least nothing changes in the preview, and when actually posting nothing changed as well. Maybe its on me but I just dont understand it atm.

@GAPLS, with the new site redesign, these are old and no longer work. Now test out normal markdown stuff instead

Indiana, USA

still hate that it double spaced with "enter" like...


and shift+enter (action performed here) makes it go down visually while typing but when posting forces it back up on the same line

i fucking hate this. even ruined my old list. which, funnily enough, looks correct when editing.

Edited by the author 7 months ago

Markdown sucks

@BlazingRaven495 put two spaces at the end of the previous line to get a regular newline (yes, it's very very dumb. I do not know who invented markdown or why, but I hate them for this)

Walgrey likes this

I don't know why this is the case, but if you want to do the two spaces thing, you have to use the markdown mode for it to even actually save correctly. There's so many times where I have to fix a minor error in the rules, but forget to turn on markdown, and it ends up breaking all the line breaks. I end up having to go back and tediously fix everything. It's super annoying.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Somerset, England

I don't think that the two space thing works?

Edited by the author 7 months ago

It works for me 🤷

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Walgrey like this
Indiana, USA
Deleted by the author
Indiana, USA

@ShikenNuggets I dont know what you mean. what is markdown and what two spaces?

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Iowa, USA

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. (Wikipedia)

Press the enter button on your keyboard twice


No no, when I say two spaces, I mean two spaces. As in, press the spacebar twice. Worked for me for fixing this guide, among others

Act_ and Walgrey like this
Iowa, USA

i hate markdown

ShikenNuggets likes this
Indiana, USA

so do i need to like use markdown and copy paste over? or is that two space trick work right on this site?

becuase i still don't get it.


Markdown is just what the formatting style is called, don't worry about that. I am literally just telling you to go to the end of your line of text and press the space bar twice. I really do not know how to make this more clear

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Walgrey likes this
Indiana, USA
Deleted by the author
Indiana, USA

I guess @ShikenNuggets, you could be more clear about what I do AFTER putting 2 spaces. then hit the enter/return key? or shift+return? I put 2 spaces at the end of previous line and hit enter and this happened. I put 2 spaces at the end of the previous sentence then hit shift+return and this happened.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Indiana, USA

I finally figured it out, but it only works when editing something. testing this again. yeah it doesn't work here

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Are forum posts not included with this, or are Discord links just not working with the conversion to normal words?

Somerset, England

Are forum posts not included with this

@Subbaro, this is a guide for the old site

are Discord links just not working with the conversion to normal words?

I'm not sure what you mean, could you provide an example?

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Ah i thought this was the new one, since i saw an even older guide than this before, dang.

Anyway i basically wanted to write a sentence that goes. "Bla bla you can find out more about the discussions in our Discord (<- clickable link as word)"

Doesnt looks as nice when you put the link besides it (i want it to look nice lmao)

Edited by the author 3 months ago