how do i remove countdown timer next to segment
1 year ago
United States

How do I make it so the minus time doesn't show up until 15 seconds like how streamers have it? I tried to mess with settings but still can't figure it out.

Glamorganshire, Wales

This is usually because your 'Best Segment' is extremely low and far below what your actual best is, if you were flicking through the timer to test it that does happen. To fix it, go to Edit Splits, and check the right-hand side column for Best Segment, you can either set it to your PB segment time or clear it completely and it should change it. Supposing your best-ever split for BOB (1) was 1:48, the timer in the same box would begin counting down as soon as you'd been going in that segment for 1:48, until you reach the time that was in your personal best overall (2:03), then it goes over to +XX obviously.

hope that helps :)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
SioN and hughmunguswhat like this
United States

Thanks man! I appreciate the help, it worked.

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