LF Elden Ring Automatic Death Counter
10 months ago


I'm looking for an auto death counter for Elden Ring. I only found two, one script for OBS ("Death Counter for OBS" on Nexus), but i'm using Twitch Studio and one on github (jogeuncheol's Death_Counter), which counts my deaths no problem, but doesn't display it on screen and sharing the app window on screen is a no-go, because it's too big and there's too much useless information (buttons where you can select other games and such). I can't believe these two are the only auto death counter around. And yes sure I can manually type in my deaths, but that is kinda not optimal when doing a speedrun.

So please, if anyone knows of an alternative. Thanks!!!

Edited by the author 10 months ago

you can crop the window in obs so it doesnt show the buttons etc. hold ALT while dragging from the corners/sides

justiziabelle likes this

Thanks, someone showed me how to do it in Twitch Studio and it's alright.