New Here with a New Category? Maybe? (Automated NES)
8 months ago
United States

Hey guys, I'm really new to the speedrun community, but, I'm a Engineer/Maker/YouTuber that has built something I think some in the community may find useful... if it doesn't already exist, which it may. If you read to the end, you'll see that I will be making this project publicly accessible sometime tomorrow (Monday 9/11).

In my most recent video, I built an automated NES controller, where I covered the technical concepts of it, and had it playing some games. BUT... I had some sync issues with the initial design... which I also covered. I couldn't just leave it there... I NEEDED to resolve those issues. Which I did! And I can now control the original NES at a FRAME PERFECT level programmatically and will be covering it my next video. Doing this allows me to control the original NES so precisely that it should make it possible to perform perfect speedruns and glitches on the original hardware!

Why am I telling you all this? Well, I've taken it even a bit further and sometime tomorrow I will be making it available online for the world to interact with! I'm not a Twitch streamer (mainly a lurker), but, I'll be releasing there in order to utilize the chat system. By typing in chat commands, you'll be able to submit frame perfect commands to my NES! We'll be playing Super Mario Bros 1 tomorrow, and there's a good chance that I'll feature some of the runs submitted on my next video! Check out the about section there to get a feel for how it works.

I've only tested this with a single person (myself), not sure how it will perform if many people interact with it (there is a queuing system), but we'll see tomorrow I guess!

If you're a curious person, I think you can have a lot of fun checking this out and I hope to see you there!


Edited by the author 8 months ago