Category Extension is now open
Category Extension is now open
Posted 1 year ago by

Hello Backroom Escapees!

We'd like to happily announce that our category extension for Escape The Backrooms is now open for you guys to speedrun on! You can find the link to the category extension below.

Here's whats included in the Category Extension:

[] Longest Bhop% [] Bookshelf% [] All Levels All Difficulties% [] Winstreak%

These are the main 4 we have as of right now, however we plan on adding much more, with the help of you guys. We are actively taking suggestions for what to be added onto the category extension, and we have lots more ready to add soon. To make some suggestions that could be considered into the Category Extension, join our discord below!

That's all for now, have an (early) happy new year everyone!

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1 month ago