What is the purpose of lowering your fps?
1 year ago

in some of the top 2 player runs the lower their fps, what does that do?

United States

it helps pushing the cubes in the first part of clown, its makes the cubes bouncy and faster. Sometimes with 60+ fps the cube can get suck or just stop, losing time.

Ohio, USA
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

its specifically for Animated King Castle puzzle with the boxes, the physics break a little and the boxes go farther and faster at lower fps - feel free to test for yourself

i see, thanks yall

Toronto, ON, Canada

it also makes it so that in run for your like that part where the blue things fall down into the middle will never fall down no matter what

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No Major Glitches rules revamp

No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.

1 month ago