Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies - Basics
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies - Basics
Updated 1 year ago by rFancy

[CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS III BASICS] Basics that can help make you a better Player!

[EVERYTHING ABOUT CYCLES]: There are multyple Cycles that if you know how they work can speed up your Game.

[GUM CYCLE] You can carry 5 Gums and everytime you hit the Gum Machine you have a Chance to get one of them randomly, but if you got one of the Gums you wont get it Twice in one cycle till you got all gums once, then the Cycle resets and you can get every Gum again.

[DROP CYCLE] Lets say we have 4 Drops [Max., Insta, Kaboom, 2%] If i get Max Ammo, i won't get it again till i got all other Drops.

[BOX CYCLE] I am not sure if its in Black Ops III but i will write it anyways. The Box can be only once at a Spot till its reached all Spots, that can Speed Up a lot if you alraedy know where/where not the Box will be (Not important in Bo3 most of the Times anyways).

[DROP's] Per Round only 4 Drops can apear. If you move the Mistery Box, Firesales will apear. If you buy Quick Revive, Death Machine Drops will apear. (There was also something with Electricity if i remember correctly but i forgot).

[MOVEMENT] Sliding is faster than running, so if you slide + jump + repeat you can speed up your Movement.

[PERK's] Juggernaut: Lets you survive ~5 hits instead of ~3.

Double Tap: Makes Bullets stronger, lets you shoot faster and activates AAT's more often.

Mule Kick: Lets you Carry 3 Weapons

Quick revive: Lets you revive quicker OR revives you (3 Times per Game)

Speed Cola: Lets you reload Quicker

Stamin Up: Lets you sprint faster and longer

Electric Cherry: When you reload creates a Electric "Field" that Kills/stuns Zombies in front of you

Dead Shot: Lets every Hit Count as a Headshot

Widows Wine: If hit, stuns Zombies and changes Grenades to Sticky Grenades with same Effect as when you are hit.

[AATS] AAT stands for Alternate Ammo Types, you can get them if you Double Pack a Weapon.

Dead Wire: 5 Second Cooldown. 20% Chance of activation per Bullet. Kills maximum 9 Zombies. Will Chain to a Zombie within 120 Units of the Source Zombie.

Blast Furnace: 15% Chance of Activation. 15 seconds cooldown. Range of 120 Units.

Fire Work: 20 seconds to cooldown. 10% Chance per Bullet. Kills Zombies within 50 Units (?????)

Turned: 15 seconds Cooldown 15% Chance of Activation. Turned Zombies last for 20 seconds. Turned Zombies can kill 12 Zombies Max.

Thunder Wall: 10 seconds Cooldown. 25% Chance of Activation. 180 range. Kills max 6 Zombies.

Will Update more later...


