
Back in 4th place! It's been 9 and a half months since I improved my Any% time. Feels a shame to say goodbye to my "2nd Best Peggler" run (as it debuted at 2nd place on the board), which was being pushed down gradually yet still was in the top 10 at 9th place. But it was time to try again.

To be honest, this run isn't anything too crazy compared to what is possible now. My only real standout split is a 4:25 Renfield. All the other splits have 10 or so seconds I could cut out. A good handful for 1:10ish levels. However, like the filename I used, it's "consistent". And I'm quite proud of how good I've gotten and have been able to maintain. This is a flawless run, which is a nice change for me since my noteworthy PBs often end up having a loss or 2 (my previous 54:51 PB being an example of that, which had bothered me all this time). I could see myself improving this at some point but I'm quite happy with this for now!

لائحة المتصدرين
Adventure Mode
51m 31s
1 month ago
تم التحقق
1 month ago
تم الإرسال
1 month ago
تقسيمات الوقت
مقدم من Splits.io
#الاسمتقسيمةانتهى في
1-1-10m 39s 229ms0m 39s 229ms
2-1-20m 40s 500ms1m 19s 729ms
3-1-30m 46s 734ms2m 06s 463ms
4-1-40m 36s 883ms2m 43s 346ms
5{Bjorn}1-50m 49s 306ms3m 32s 652ms
6-2-10m 38s 348ms4m 11s
7-2-20m 51s 208ms5m 02s 208ms
8-2-30m 54s 313ms5m 56s 521ms
9-2-40m 47s 729ms6m 44s 250ms
10{Jimmy}2-50m 57s 796ms7m 42s 046ms
11-3-10m 45s 845ms8m 27s 891ms
12-3-20m 46s 166ms9m 14s 057ms
13-3-30m 56s 575ms10m 10s 632ms
14-3-41m 00s 503ms11m 11s 135ms
15{Kat Tut}3-51m 02s 411ms12m 13s 546ms
16-4-10m 44s 472ms12m 58s 018ms
17-4-20m 53s 710ms13m 51s 728ms
18-4-31m 14s 839ms15m 06s 567ms
19-4-41m 00s 185ms16m 06s 752ms
20{Splork}4-51m 09s 221ms17m 15s 973ms
21-5-10m 50s 839ms18m 06s 812ms
22-5-21m 12s 260ms19m 19s 072ms
23-5-31m 06s 795ms20m 25s 867ms
24-5-40m 47s 218ms21m 13s 085ms
25{Claude}5-50m 50s 573ms22m 03s 658ms
26-6-11m 12s 472ms23m 16s 130ms
27-6-20m 53s 832ms24m 09s 962ms
28-6-30m 49s 156ms24m 59s 118ms
0m 45s 225ms25m 44s 343ms
30{Renfield}6-50m 44s 832ms26m 29s 175ms
31-7-11m 04s 777ms27m 33s 952ms
32-7-20m 51s 281ms28m 25s 233ms
33-7-31m 09s 381ms29m 34s 614ms
34-7-40m 51s 890ms30m 26s 504ms
35{Tula}7-50m 43s 738ms31m 10s 242ms
36-8-11m 08s 717ms32m 18s 959ms
37-8-21m 06s 452ms33m 25s 411ms
38-8-31m 12s 208ms34m 37s 619ms
39-8-41m 16s 324ms35m 53s 943ms
41-9-11m 55s 187ms37m 49s 130ms
42-9-20m 57s 190ms38m 46s 320ms
0m 34s 661ms39m 20s 981ms
44-9-41m 09s 285ms40m 30s 266ms
45{Cinderbottom}9-50m 47s 587ms41m 17s 853ms
46-10-11m 09s 806ms42m 27s 659ms
47-10-20m 59s 215ms43m 26s 874ms
48-10-30m 59s 071ms44m 25s 945ms
49-10-41m 02s 506ms45m 28s 451ms
50{Master Hu}10-51m 20s 506ms46m 48s 957ms
51-11-10m 50s 073ms47m 39s 030ms
52-11-20m 45s 446ms48m 24s 476ms
53-11-31m 11s 981ms49m 36s 457ms
54-11-40m 52s 291ms50m 28s 748ms
55{Master Levels}11-51m 02s 995ms51m 31s 743ms
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جولات سريعة
آخر المواضيع
نُشرت 2 months ago
نُشرت 4 months ago
نُشرت 7 months ago
نُشرت 9 months ago
نُشرت 9 months ago