Run Not Verified In 11 Hours (wow)
4 months ago

Normally, my runs By Him are verified in 1-2 hours but this time its 11 Hours. And hes Definetly Not sleepping Because Others Runs Are verified and im losing my rank. can ROBEATS help me?


grex that is nothing my run wasent verified in 3+ days

Edited by the author 4 months ago

Hello. Please stop complaining about your runs not being verified in time. We do our best to verify them in time.

Lancashire, England

Don't forget we have about 50 runs to verify and sometimes we can't verify them so we take a break we can't just keep verifiying over and over.


You've been spoiled if you only have ur runs verified in 2 hrs or less


mine took more then a day


speedruns normally take 2-4 weeks to verify and mans crying about waiting


@WendyCloots its not true.

Edited by the author 4 months ago

its been 21 hours


we take less than 1 day to verify runs (subject may change)


also if your run takes more than 3 days to verify contact us. also @JavierAvello your run is not pending nor verified we've rejected it.

Edited by the author 4 months ago

Robeats my first runs took more then a day but im still happy u guys did it so fast one was even done in 11 hours

Lancashire, England

sorry if runs do take a long time to verify we just need a break from all the runs there are.


@ROBEATS ok dont worry i will make another speedrun but why it has been rejected?

United States

My run hasent been verified for need more heat in a few days and i get you need time for yourself but can you verify it please Ive been waiting for days


@plushboy247 it's been also rejected

Edited by the author 4 months ago