i have the suspicion of a fake bind speedrun
17 days ago

You are technically prescribing something to me that does not actually officially exist.

pal 60 hz.


and unfortunately I have to point out to you that you are abusing your position of power to invalidate my run.

You cannot demand a 60 hz run from me, because an official pal device has that.

It cannot do it from the factory.

It is only possible to play pal games at 60 hz with an official american or japanese device using an adapter.

The basic sega saturn pal has 25/50 hz from the factory,

American and Japanese 30/60 from the factory.

And as explained, with pal device and adapter, you have 25/50 Hz for pal and ntsc games.

Only I can switch between 50/60 hz because my sega saturn is completely converted.


And,but i must test it,when i play 50 hz and not 60 hz,when i right remeber,it's a disadvantage for me because the game runs slower at 50 hz.

which means that if it were 60 hz, I would be faster.

should be right.

yes, i'm just getting old

sry for poor english

Los Angeles, CA, USA

60 hz is the standard/accepted on LBs so I will re-write and clarify rules to make this the standard.

I have explained the situation to YouTube and they suggested I file a copyright report, which I did. Your empty threats and false allegations are null and void. Now leave me alone zicke troll. If you say or do anything else that is disrespectful, I will look into suing you for defemation/slander/harassment/copyright infingement.

Edited by the author 16 days ago
, buddyyellek, and MasterSystemMarceau like this

when 60 hz standart is,then no europe player with an regular sega saturn can subbmit runs.

But unfortunately you don't understand the technical side.

To put it simply, a car can't drive without wheels.

a pal saturn does not have 60 hz.

because european television runs on 25/50 frames.

when i bought a ps1 japanese, i had to play black and white.

then i searched for a long time for a tv that had 60 hz.

You can't ask me to do something that's not really possible.

You can do whatever you want on Youtube.

If they contact me, I will explain the situation.

They don't scare me.

If it were the case that cheater videos were forbidden, karl jobs wouldn't be allowed to make any and neither would abisoft.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Nobody cares what you think. I'm not asking you to do anything but leave me and the other mods alone. Responding and reporting you on multiple sites has really been a waste of my time and energy. Goodbye zicke troll.

Edited by the author 16 days ago
, MasterSystemMarceau, and Walgrey like this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Also since this CLOUT CHASING ZICKE TROLL aka @MrWeakwill aka Gaming, Games, and More wants to make everything public, we have decided to ban his runs from the LBs since he has harassed all of us. He tried to lie and cover this up on his pathetic YouTube channel and call us "childish moderators" when he is the only one acting like a disrespectful 50-year old manchild.

, buddyyellek and 2 others like this

Ok I get the drama is weird but I think you've made your point, continuing to post here unprompted probably isn't gonna help anything. Just let this thread die and keep working with site staff to resolve the issues

Pear likes this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Apologies, I will not post here again. I will continue talking and working with SRC site mods to resolve the issue. Maybe it would be best to lock this thread then?

Iowa, USA

Why did you reject a bunch of Jaypin88’s runs?

He WAS known for cheating and doesn't cheat anymore in his runs. You can’t reject all his runs for that.


Please just let this thread die lol, it was nonsense from the start both the people involved with it are banned, there is nothing else to discuss here.

To answer your question though, I can't speak on this specific situation, but in general it's actually very reasonable to reject a known cheater's runs simply because they're a known cheater. A lot of the speedrunning community and leaderboards are built on trust, since even for the strictest leaderboards the proof standards are honestly quite low compared to other competitive hobbies. If you willingly violate that, you can't seriously expect anyone to ever trust you again. One could argue that we should be willing to give people a second chance (depending on the exact circumstances at least), but that cannot be forced. Individual games/communities need to be able to make that call on their own

Pear, Walgrey, and grnts like this